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Chapter 6

It was this night that the nightmares started. I wake up in a pile of sweat, dripping down my face and soaking my back. The wetness of my nightdress making the material cling to me in an unpleasant manner. I sit up gasping, as though I am breathing air for the first time, the sheets tightly held in my fists. My legs tangle in my sheets.

My chest heaves as I try to calm myself. Unlike a normal dream, I can recall every single moment of the nightmare as though it wants to continue to taunt me in my awakening. My teeth chatter, feeling an internal chill encases my entire being.

It was everybody I cared about here in Camelot slaughtered in front of my own eyes; just the way I imagined them being hurt the day before but more real. I watched them, person, by person being hurt.

It is still dark outside, the sun nowhere in sight, so I try to lie back down, breathing heavily to calm myself. But I just can't rest; tossing and turning as the scenarios insistently cling to my mind.

Soon, I can't stand lying there with worry drowning me so I shove my sheets off and light a candle. I pull open my bedroom door and glance into the corridor. The hall became much eerier with the lack of daylight and no candles were lit as it is too late for anybody to be out except the few unlucky guards that patrolled.

Taking the candle with me, I tip-toe down the corridor where their chambers were. I have an idea whose room is where but the dark makes it harder to get a feel for where I am.

I go the closest wooden door, gently creeping the door open. I lift the candle through the frame and peek through the small opening. The room was slightly larger than my own, with clothes thrown on the floor and the chair. Easily recognisable as Torj's room and I prove myself right when the barely showing red hair peeks from his blanket which is tucked over his head.

In my dream, he was shoved off a cliff, collapsed at the base with his leg in two but he is here in his bed. Safe.

I move away, closing the door as quietly as I opened it.

The next room is Castor's who is lying in his bed the wrong way, leg hanging over the edge. I smile tenderly but roll my eyes as his obnoxious snore tears through the room. He is definitely safe.

The room across was Leon's. I do the same, opening the door, looking through with my candle. My heart drops as he looks like he did in my dream. Unconscious, knocked from his horse, bleeding out on the ground. That's what I see as I watch him in his bed. I hold my breath but my prayers are answered as he rolls over. Safe. A small giggle escapes me as his face morphs into the pillow, dragging one side of his face up, his blonde curls sticking up.

I shut the door and turn to go back to my room but one more face haunts me enough to stop. Arthur's.

He is on the other side of the castle and at this point, the chill of the night has reached me but my feet melted in the floor. I know if I tried to go back to sleep now I would be lying awake for the rest of the night. Exhaling, I turn back around and make my way to the prince's chamber.

"I feel like such a stalker right now," I mumble to myself. I mean, really, I am walking around the castle at night watching people sleep for my own satisfaction and comfort. Maybe I was a serial killer in my past life, one of those that watched their victims from afar. Man I miss Netflix

Wow, my thoughts are morbid at night.

I take a couple of wrong turns, but eventually, end up in the hallway of the Prince. From the outside, his door was the same as my own but his room is much larger, a king-sized bed and even his own dining table unlike a short round one the knights and I have.

Lost in Albion 1 (Merlin) - CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now