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Chapter 9

Morning comes around much too fast for my liking, the sun poking my cheeks. I prop my head up, moaning. Hair strands flying all over the place, much like the image of Anna from frozen waking up, slobber on the side of my mouth. Still wearing last night's dress, I just thank the lords that I am no hungover, rejecting any drink bar my first, instead of indulging myself in the food.

Gathering the energy, I push myself up from my bed, which I had just sprawled across last night. I spend the next twenty or so minutes, just reaching around, pulling at the strings to undo the dress which, while difficult, was not as impossible as doing them up.

Today was the tournament, which would start soon after breakfast, so I quickly dress myself up, taming my hair into submission. I want to see the knights before they compete to wish them luck. But also to assure myself they are going to be safe. The tournament has shaken the fear of my nightmares into reality.

I make my through the castle to get to the back area, near the training grounds where the jousting would be held. I pass the window that shows me the grounds, seeing many tents erected, people moving about to prepare, horses being led from the stables. It almost reminds me of an eventing day for horse riding. I used to ride horses but didn't have the property to keep them.

As I make my way outside, the atmosphere of the crowd is overwhelming, I can practically feel the energy, nerves mixed with excitement jostling from every direction fuelling me with adrenaline. The tents seem to be the colours of the houses, a sea of green, blue and red tents. I push my way through the crowd to the red tents on the other side.

I finally come closer to them, but there are a few, spread out. Servants go in and out of each of them, holding armour and lances to help the knights get ready. I decide to go into the far right one first. I push open the flap, revealing its insides. There is a table, with a few pieces of armour lying about and a servant who is sorting through them. Standing in the middle of the tent is Prince Arthur and I realise this is the royal tent.

"Prince Arthur," I greet happily. "I have just come down to wish you all good luck."

"Elena," he greets back, "Thank you for your wishes but be assured that I don't need them." The arrogance in his voice shows. I roll my eyes, sure to avoid him seeing. I did love Arthur, but sometimes he just has no idea what a prat he can be. But he'll grow up one day. Boys are slower than girls.

"Oh, I'm sure you don't," I smirk, watching the servant quietly tighten his arm piece. "Do you know-"

"There in the tent right next to this one," he replies, now his turn to smirk. I laugh, bowing my head.

"Thank you. And don't hurt yourself, egos can be heavy," I provoke, moving out of the tent.

"Hey!-"I hear, but he is soon cut off. I feel comfortable enough to joke around with him but I know my limits, and that was testing them. I move to the tent next to his own which is slightly larger, probably to accommodate more people.

I enter it, seeing much the same as the royal tent, but more people. A few knights I recognise but don't know stand around, donned in their chainmail. I see Castor first who is fully dressed and ready.

"Come to wish us luck have you?" he asks coming over to me, leaning down into my ear. "Don't worry, I know you're just here for me but you better wish the others luck as well. Wouldn't want them to get jealous."

"Please," I push his shoulder away, catching the eye of my other two friends who are having their armour adjusted. "I've only come to see Torj," I tease, standing near the redhead who smiles proudly.

"See boys!" he sneers, "Always knew I was the favourite." The other two huff, rolling their eyes just as I did to Arthur. Speaking of.

"I just spoke to Arthur," I begin unsurely. "He's very... confident."

Lost in Albion 1 (Merlin) - CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now