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We graze along on horseback for a good part of the afternoon, so much that my legs felt numb and my posture sunk into a rather un-ladylike slouch. By now, I feel the dryness of my lips in full effect, having been walking all morning and now with nothing to do but listen to the chatter amongst the knights and stare at the world around. I noticed the leather pouch on Leon's saddle a while ago and knowing it is presumably full of freshwater I found myself glancing at it ever now and then. But I don't raise my voice feeling selfish for taking another person's supplies so I sit, dry throat and all.

"Elena, you never told us where you have come from. I assume you are not familiar with Camelot or the path." Castor says as his black horse trots up beside the one I shared. My mind stumbles, not sure how to answer. I had no idea of the country or land around here. Absolutely nothing to work with.

"I uh – come from a very long way away sir-"

"Please, just Castor."

"Castor. I came to these lands by boat. I had a few companions with me but these men raided us and they were all killed while I fled."

"The ones who took all your belongings?"

"No si- Castor. This was about two weeks ago. We arrived a month or so ago on these lands. I can't remember really, time seems fuddled when you are travelling." I leave it as brief as possible, hoping they wouldn't ask for specifics. My finger fiddles with the loose reign not in Leon's hands.

"Well, it seems you have been plagued with bad luck."

"I have indeed."

"You have nothing to fear under my watch my lady," Sir Leon says from behind me, "we are the best in the kingdom." I laugh at his cockiness but not in a mocking way.

"I have all the faith in the world," I muse. My eyes drift back down to the leather pouch. I can almost hear the water hitting its sides as it bounced against the movement of the horse.

"Here." Castor, who still rode beside us, holding up something for me? It is the same leather pouch, a water pouch. I look at him and he nods encouraging me to take it. I let out a small thank you and hastily take it, ripping its lid off and bringing the top to my mouth.

Oh, I taste heaven and bliss. The cool water slides down my throat. I felt like I hadn't had water in days rather than hours but in saying that, I had no idea how long I had been asleep – or unconscious lying in that spot. Water dribbles down my chin but I take no care. I want more but I feel the pouch getting lighter and I would rather not be selfish to then men who are saving me. I remove it unwillingly and screw the lid back on, handing it back over to Castor. Castor is a young man, a little younger than Sir Leon. He has short black curly hair and a Roman nose with wide but thin lips. He also has a bit of stubble that matched his hair. Rather handsome as the other knights were, one thing I observed with plenty of time to asses.

Castor smiled kindly before cantering up to the front to talk to another.

"You should have told me, my water was full," Leon uttered to me quietly. I only shrug in response, keeping my eyes forward.

"I was fine, I didn't even realise I was thirsty until he offered," I lie. The last thing I want is for him to feel bad. He doesn't respond to my words so I let to topic drop.

As we travel back I ask them all of their names, encouraging them to talk to me about their homeland. I act excited, as though I had heard about Camelot for a long time and couldn't wait to be there, hoping they could help me figure out what I was getting myself into. I am not foolish, I know the Arthurian tales with Merlin as the great old wizard and the Knights of the Round Table.

Lost in Albion 1 (Merlin) - CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now