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Chapter 26

"What happened to your head?" Arthur inquires, leaning forward and squinting to get a better look at it. Like I had assumed, the cut was shallow but long and it had already closed itself over after I cleaned it. "Merlin was knocked up as well...what were you two doing?" he wonders. "Actually – do I even want to know?"

"We fell down a ravine out in the forest when we were getting some things for Gaius, Sire," I say, fiddling with a new dress shirt on him for fitting. "Thanks for the concern," I mutter under my breath. "The shirt fits perfectly."

"I knew Merlin was clumsy but you are becoming more like him every day. It's like your becoming twins," Arthur rattles on.

"You have no idea." Arthur walks to his closest, removing the shirt. My fingers which are putting away my needle and thread pause as I watch the Prince move. Muscles that I haven't seen on him before have come to light, announcing themselves to the world. "Praise my eyes," I whisper trying to look away. The knights clothing always covered their upper body and it's not like they usually change in front of a woman. Too soon though, Arthur grabs another, plainer shirt and puts it on, covering the short and beautiful sight I just experienced. I shake myself out of my trance, finishing putting away the needle and thread in my bag. I wonder if all the knights looked like him underneath that chainmail.

I take my leave, not having anywhere else to be and saunter through the castle just thinking to myself. My feet take me to my window that looks over the training ground. I lean against the window, looking out at the men. A presence comes and stands next to me.

"Elena, haven't seen you around much lately," Gwen greets, the kind smile I know her for on her face.

"Gwen!" I chirp. "Good morning. I'm sorry, I've been a bit caught up with a few things. I should come to visit you and your father sometime this week."

"That would be nice," she nods, looking out the window as I was. A servant acts as a live target for striking, protected by armour and a shield as one of the men strike him. "Glad I'm not them, I've seen Merlin after one of those sessions. Could barely lift his arms."

I giggle, remembering that day. "The knights have quite a bit of strength behind them. In fact, I just saw Arthur shirtless," I say, smirking playfully. "And while he may not be that bright on the inside, I would say his abs make up for it." Gwen widens her eyes, her head tilting in thought as we laugh together. A head of blonde hair is visible on the grounds, one I need to speak to. "I wonder if all knights look like Arthur?" I ponder playfully. "You're trying to imagine it aren't you?"

Gwen nods, eyebrows raised as if she is visualising it. "I just can't see past his arrogance though."

"It is a downer isn't it. But I'll have to see you later Gwen, I have someone I need to see."

"I'll let my father know that you are coming."

"Looking forward to it."

I need to apologise to Leon, my attitude to him the previous day was not called for but I just couldn't handle anything. The mark is still on my arm, covered by a long sleeve shirt, giving Merlin back his scarf last night.

Skipping outside, Torj is talking with two other knights that I don't know. I search for the blonde that I saw out here not ten minutes ago. My head spins, looking for him but he's no longer outside. I glide over to Torj, waiting for the other two knights to stop speaking so I can.

"Hey Torj, did you see where Leon went, I need to speak to him about something."

The redhead nods, pointing with his thumb over his shoulder. "Yeah lass, he finished for the day, he's in the armoury taking his stuff off. He's in a right pissed mood too," he warns. I nod and let him get back to his conversation with the other two. I'd only been in the armoury a few times. The training armoury at least, where they store blunt swords and armour.

Lost in Albion 1 (Merlin) - CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now