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Chapter 34

I have definitely gained some weight, a prospect I am not mad about as I know full well where it came from, and I enjoyed every second of it. Once the food had become available again, I stuffed my face with anything that looked semi-pleasant.

Which leads to today where I turned my nose up at breakfast, the thought of eating anymore is disgusting. I tie my belt-like corset, the knots not falling in line with the dent marks after a year of use, a way I measured my weight without a scale. I had been interested to see if the diet and activity of my daily life here would affect it but up until now, I had barely fluctuated.

A little fullness doesn't hurt anyone.

Tonight, Merlin and I are going to the tavern. I had to plead with him to come with me, especially after Gaius had divulged that he gets drunk after a lick of alcohol, a sight I am dying to see.

I spend the morning down in the town, chatting for Gorham who I haven't seen in awhile after everything going on. We sit over some tea, gossiping about the city's rumours.

"And I hear that Thomas boy has declared his love for Penelope," she divulges, taking a long sip of her tea. I gasp and my jaw drops.

"But Thomas is about to get married to Daphne," I counter. I had never met these people, but I sure do feel like I know every part of their lives'. Gorham has been in Camelot almost all her life and she has come to know many of the people and she and I would spend hours chatting about the drama.

"I know," she remarks, nodding with a tilted smile. "Young love is always painful," she muses, leaning back into her chair. I take a sip of my own tea, a hot herbal flavour that I can't identify but my throat loves it.

"Always?" I query, eager to hear why she believes this to be so. I had yet to experience the pain of heartbreak and it isn't something I look forward to. Not that I often think about it, but in reality, you either get married or break up here.

"Oh yes," she effuses, waving her hand. "Young people like yourself will always experience pain before you reach your happy-ever-after. And that's if you ever get it, I certainly didn't."

I think back to Leon, analysing our relationship. He had said that we are officially courting, not that I really understand the process of it but I suppose it's the same as dating. We've had our up and downs but we both communicated well and enjoyed the company of one another. Did he think of marrying me? I certainly had imagined the idea, like any other girl. But on the other hand, we haven't even said the three terrifying words. Do men even think about things like this? Had he lain in bed, fantasising like I have?

I am surprised that I am even an option for him since I bring no logical gain for him. No land, dowry, money. Am I destined to be rejected? Gorham is a wise woman and I have always taken her advice before, yet to prove me wrong.

Before I let her words truly sink into me, I change the topic, asking of her sun which she begins to natter on about, sharing his tales of travel. But the damage is done and a sense of unease builds itself in my head, the first true doubt about our future. I am a low-born, a serving girl and he is a nobleman, a knight of Camelot and one of the finest there is. Where do fit in? People might think less of him because of me, damaging his reputation he's worked so long for.

After letting Gorham rant on her as long as she pleases, I big her farewell and thank her for the tea. I exit her home back onto the busy pathway of the main streets, stalls erected and plenty of goods to buy. I browse along them, my gaze drifting over everything I see. The goods vary from food, clothing, shoes, weapons, and jewellery. One vendor has a small stall, a few glass boxes on the surface in front of him. I glance down, seeing the silver jewellery inside. I go to move onwards but one piece catches my attention. I push through the crowd, eyes locked on the piece. I reach the stall, getting a closer look at the necklace. It is a single silver chain that leads to a dark green emerald jewel, encased by a teardrop styled piece. My fingers delicately brush against the glass as I admire it. I'd never been one to fancy jewels but I am entranced by its elegance.

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