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Chapter 5

The rattling at my door awakens me from a deep sleep.

"Come in," I croak, getting out of bed. A young servant boy comes in, not the usual who brings my breakfast. "Oh, hello."

"Seamstress," he greets, "Your services are requested as urgently as possible."

After having been here over a week, I have yet to be put to a large task other than mending but Gwen has been able to teach me more of what I need to know. I keep to my word as well and gave her half of my pay, the other half going to necessities such as shoes, my own cloak for travel and other things like a hairbrush. Living in the castle meant my expense of housing and food was taken care of by royalty but my pay was lower than those who housed and fed themselves such as Gwen.

"And who calls for me," I inquire.

"The King miss." I look at the boy in slight surprise.

"Oh, urgent indeed. I shall go see him at once after I am ready. Will he be in his chambers?"

"Yes, miss. I will tell him you intend to come soon."

"Thank you." The boy paddles out of my room, almost knocking into the serving boy bringing the breakfast cart around.

I dress rather simply today but ensure my hair and presentation is suitable for an audience with the King. I make my way to his chambers, which was on the other side of the castle where Arthur's chambers were (he requested me already three times in the past week for mending his pants but I do enjoy his company), knocking on the door.

"Enter," his voice bellows from inside. I take a deep breath in before pushing open the door. To say I am nervous would be an understatement, my fingers twiddling and wringing each other and messing with the band of my satchel which holds my tools. He stands by the window, looking down upon his kingdom, the usual straight face on his head. "Ah, Elena."

"Your highness," I curtsey. "What can I do for you?"

"Next week," he begins, "we are holding a jousting tournament and one of our neighbouring Kings are visiting to see their champions against ours. This man is quite...judgemental," he admitted. "I would like a new robe for his arrival, one of the finest you will ever make." Uther obviously wants to impress this man, probably had the other King's snide words shoved onto him about Camelot and his reign. So real life really is still like High School even in the ancient medieval ages.

"Sire, I shall make a robe like the King has never seen," I guarantee. He nods his head, even a smile creep onto his face.

"I'm glad."

"You would like the robe in your house colours My Lord?" I begin taking out my kit to begin measuring.

"Yes, that would be perfect." The confidence he has in my work to up-show this other ruler is quite funny to me as I can't help but hide my laughter behind a sly grin.

"He will be drowning in the magnificence of the material," I holler. To my utter astonishment, he lets out a snort of laughter. I finish writing down his measurements as he places a hand on my shoulder.

"Your manners are infectious young seamstress. I have not had such a servant of the royal household so.... So, different in a very long time," he admits.

"I hope that this robe will bring you as much happiness as my manners Sire. Will I be able to be present when you greet him?" I inquire, packing my stuff.

"Of course, we can silently judge him together. I am glad that Sir Leon found you."

"As am I My Lord."

Lost in Albion 1 (Merlin) - CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now