Chapter 10 (Part 2)

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(Tell me what you think guys! :) )

Perfume went through my nose, smelling of flowers and honey. I kissed her, gently running my hands through her hair. “Like my perfume?” Her laugh made me feel giddy.

       Before we knew it, we were in our room, smiling at each other. Our lips touched, pressed hard, but she pulled back with tears in her eyes. “What’s the matter, darling?”

       “This is wrong. So wrong. My family, they’re dead while I’m here enjoying myself! Do you not see how wrong that is?” She put her head on my shoulder.

       “Melinda…don’t cry anymore. How many times do you have to hear it was and is my fault? I’m greedy…”

       “That doesn’t stop my guilt! Leave me alone… Please?”

       “Darlin’, I am incredibly sorry. You don’t know how much it hurts me when you’re hurting,” I softened my tone. “But would they want you to not move on? Because I think they would want what’s best for you. No more of this guilt crap. If anyone should feel guilty, that would be me.” She collapsed on the bed sobbing.

       Greed. I was only thinking about how much I wanted someone else to feel my pain. I only wanted an army for revenge on Kent, his whole family. I took it out on the person I now love, and her heart’s broken because of my greed and selfishness. “Erik, tell me everything’s gonna be okay. Tell me this feeling—this guilt—will go away.”

       “Everything will be okay, with time. Come over here; let’s cuddle Melinda.” She put herself in my arms. Having her beside me still made me feel like the luckiest man ever. One thing though bothered me, why was she able to cry? No matter how much I would like, I can’t cry. We’re dead essentially, but somehow she still cries. I’ve never tried hearing her heart to see if it’s still beating, even a little bit.

       Gently, I put her back on the bed, and then listened carefully. Why haven’t I used my hearing abilities before to make sure she changed all the way? Her heart was beating slowly, so slowly she wouldn’t even feel it beating probably. This doesn’t make sense though. “Erik, what’s wrong?” she frowned.

       “Nothing sweetie, nothing—just go back to sleep.” I caressed her face.

Once Melinda was asleep, I put my fangs gently in her neck to give her more of my blood. Let this be enough to change her completely, I thought to myself. She woke up startled. “Melinda, you’re all right, everything’s fine.”

       “Then why did I feel your fangs in my neck? Or did I imagine that?”

       “There’s something wrong. You shouldn’t be able to cry.”

       “Why not?”

       “Vampires are technically dead. Our body can’t produce tears. I listened carefully—and—you—“

       “I what? Spit it out Erik.”

       “You still have a faint heartbeat. You haven’t change completely yet. I put my fangs in your neck when you were asleep to hopefully change you all the way.”

       “I don’t feel my heart beating. . .”

       “Because it’s so faint you wouldn’t feel it. Drink more of my blood, please?” I looked at her.

       “I will—but Erik—I felt my heart stop completely at the gas station. How could it change back to being a faint beating in my chest? This makes no sense.”

       “Being a vampire doesn’t make sense either. Here, drink from my neck.” She pulled my neck to her mouth, and put her fangs in me. It barely felt like more than a pinch. “Come on, you can bite harder than that,” I coaxed her. She did bite harder, almost making me wish I didn’t say that. “That should be enough now, sweet heart.”

       “I might pass out—hold me.” I wanted to say, “No, you aren’t” but I was too late, she passed out in my arms.

       “Richard! Richard, come in here right now!” He was in my room before I finished. “I don’t know what’s going on! Please call Master Duvall or anyone!”

       “I’m on it!” He took out his phone and quickly dialed a number.

       “Melinda, please, if you can hear me, just hold on.” She’s going to be okay, I kept repeating to myself. She has to get better.

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