Chapter 17

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       Chapter 17

   “Will you be all right being in charge of everyone Melinda? Can you handle it?” He was changing the subject on me.

       “Of course I can handle it I’m Queen after all. I just need some of my guards prepared for fighting.”

       “Be careful; announce that you’re pregnant when we get there. They will take better care of you when they know you’re pregnant.”

       “Erik is in some weird place with vampire hunters, and you want me to be ‘careful’? How about no.”

       “Melinda—Erik would never forgive himself if you and your baby got hurt. Don’t do anything rash just don’t. This is what you should do, stay in your palace while I train everyone, good plan right?”

       “Wrong but fine whatever you’ll do it anyway I have no say in this,” I sighed heavily.

       We stopped in front of the palace, and Richard helped me out. “Thanks, but I could’ve got out on my own.” Everyone’s gonna treat me like I’m glass again, great.

       “Melinda!” Carly ran up to me.

       “Carly, how have you been?” I smiled.

       “Fine—but what about you—you’re Queen! Is it amazing? I bet it is!”

       I held my stomach softly while figuring out what I should say. “Yeah—it’s pretty neat. I mean having servants is awesome, and I have human pets too. Since Erik makes the laws I’m allowed doing whatever I want basically.” I tried sounding excited for my new position as Queen.

       “Something’s wrong, where’s Erik?” she looked me in the eyes.

       “He’s at a vampire lab that’s where I was until your boyfriend picked me up. I have some other news once we get inside.” We walked inside to be greeted by all my guards.

       “My lady, we failed you, we will be eternally sorry for failing. Please take a seat at your throne.” I took his hand and sat down in my big chair. “Where is King Henderson?”

       “He’s still at a vampire lab that’s where they took him. There will be a war, and I’m the one who will start it. Are you all ready for training with Richard?” I pointed towards him.

       “I’ll be training all of you in a few minutes. First, Miss Catherine has an announcement.”

       Damn it Richard I don’t feel like announcing that at the moment. “Uhm—yes—my announcement is that I’m pregnant. I guess since Erik and I both have heartbeats it was enough for me to become pregnant. Don’t worry about me though just Erik. He’s the one who needs our help everyone,” I said this last sentence standing up.

       One of my lady servants came up, “Miss Catherine, perhaps you should go rest in your room. I can take you upstairs even if you’d like.”

       “I’m fine sitting in my chair, really I’m fine but thank you for your concern,” I smiled gently.

       “I insist my lady, please?”

       “Alright I’m coming,” I took her hand as she led me up the steps. I realized that I still had my hospital gown too, how embarrassing. “Do I have any normal, baggy, clothes?”

       “I believe there are some in your closet let me get you some comfy clothes.” She walked to my closet searching for an outfit. “Here we go sweatpants and a t-shirt,” she tossed them on my bed. “Do you think they will work?”

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