Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

  Something was terribly wrong with me. I remembered that I had cried before this as well. It was after Melinda and I were together though. What did that mean? Were we both like this because we’re soul mates? I listened closely, and I heard it, a faint beating from my chest. This told me one thing, I would get Melinda back, and as long as my heart is slightly beating I will always be hers.

       “Richard!” I yelled loudly even though it was unnecessary. He quickly came down the steps into my room.

       “What Erik? Everything all right?”

       “No, do you not hear my heart beating?” He took a second and listened.

       “What’s going on? Erik your heart hasn’t been beating for two years now. . .”

       “I know! Call Master Duvall for me! If we figure out what’s going on we can get Melinda out of the palace!”

       Master Duvall came in the house twenty minutes later through the door. I got out of bed, trying my hardest to not look hung over. “Master Duvall,” I said happily, “I can’t believe this.”

       “I can’t either Erik, but there are instances where a few eternal couples have a slight heart beat after a while. Melinda’s just not reacting to the change very well. I’m sure she’ll wake up before we know it.” He smiled and hugged me, an odd gesture for him. “You smell like beer, you know that?”

       Dang it, the gig was up, “Yeah I know—I—uhm—sort of got really drunk last night Master,” I put my head down in shame.

       “You wanted to forget about her, huh?”

       “Yes Master Duvall—I wanted to forget her completely since I left her in Kent’s care basically for forever.”

       “Why would you agree with those terms? You hate him, or at least I thought you did,” he said confused.

       “I do and still do. It was either die or give up Melinda, I know, I should’ve let him kill me. I’m very selfish I never claimed not to be Master,” I started to tear up again.

       “Erik, calm down, there’s nothing you can do now. Let’s get you back to bed though, okay? When you wake back up, I’ll take you to the palace.”

       “No, we’re going now. I’m feeling fine, really, see I’m walking around.” I stumbled around the living room, trying to keep myself together. I could tell he didn’t believe me. “Please Master, you can drive even, just take me there.”

       “Fine, but please be careful. I’ll be keeping a watch on you Erik, while you’re there, understand?”

       “I understand, thank you Master Duvall!” I walked out behind Master Duvall, still feeling a bit dizzy.

       “Melinda, hold on, I’ll be there soon,” I whispered towards the sky, hoping she heard me. Master Duvall helped me up into my seat. It was a little embarrassing to need this much help. I deserve to be embarrassed after last night and that Deliah girl. I should go to hell for that, maybe my personal hell will be Melinda won’t forgive me when I tell her. That would definitely serve me right. “Master wake me up when we’re there, please?”

       “I will, just sleep until then. You’ll need your strength Erik.” I closed my eyes, and soon realized I was in a dream.

       “Erik, where are you?” Melinda called out for me. I tried telling her I was right in front of her, but I couldn’t speak. “Erik,” she cried, “where are you?” How could she not see me? “You aren’t real, are you? I knew Kent was right. You never did exist!” she screamed into the woods.

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