Chapter 5

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   Nick was being told what to do in the next couple days by Erik. He got two bottles of blood, and he was to come back in two days. He seemed a lot calmer than a few minutes ago.

       “Melinda, if you weren’t my friend, I would freak out with what just happened, but since I am I’ll just go through this. Only you could find a vampire in the valley.”

       “I’m sorry, I am. I just want my friends to be with me forever. You can’t tell anyone what we are, okay? People will either think we’re crazy or believe you. That’s a definite no.”

       “Okay, I promise, it’s our secret. Why’d you change us besides wanting us to be with you forever? I can tell there’s more to it than that.”

       “It’s all part of a plan—that you don’t have to participate in if you don’t want to. But I want you to help Erik and me.” He put his head to the floor.

“You are seeking trouble and danger. Once again, you have to find a way to be bad. Sometimes we all have to find a way to do something we wouldn’t normally do though, I guess.” We tried to keep our eyes on each other, but there was no way you can ignore those two making out. I barely saw Carly take a breath.

“Are you two done yet?” I asked annoyed.

“Seriously, stop it!” Erik hissed.

“Jeez, calm down, I don’t know what just happened, okay?” Carly replied.

“Obviously! I swear, you’re weirder than me!

“It was just a kiss. . .”

“And shoving your tongue down his throat, that was ‘just a kiss’ too?”

“Uhh—no,” she said embarrassed. She started to blush a bright pink. “I don’t understand what just happened, honestly, I don’t. Do you Richard?”

“How’d you find out what his name was? Weren’t you too busy?” I said bitingly sarcastic.

“Before he bit me he told me his name, thank you very much. Then I just started kissing him. It was a normal reaction for me to kiss him. That sounds crazy huh?”

“A little, I understand though. Ha-ha, guess who found their love bird Richard? You!”

“Shut up. . . But that does make sense. I thought I was incapable of liking someone let alone feeling like that. It was incredible, absolutely incredible.” He grinned at Carly.

“What happens from here? We can’t tell Morgan can we?” Nick asked.

       “You are correct. Morgan can’t hear any of this, not one single part. Understood?”

       “Understood team leader Melinda,” Carly laughed.

“I am not the team leader; if anyone is it would be Erik.” He kissed me on the cheek.

“That’s sweet of you to say darling, but I think we are all team leaders here. All of us will have a part in this plan.” He is the team leader whether or not he wants to admit it he is. Nick got into his Ford truck and drove home. We were all sworn to secrecy about what we are.

       Carly was coming home with us, she already okayed it with her mom, saying they were my cousins. What a crazy lie, the lie I used with the police. The police will find out the truth about that eventually. I just hope I can use my mind control by then to make them believe that I was worried about going to Pittsburgh with family I barely know. They didn’t show up for the memorial, no surprise there. Oh well, less people to lie to.

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