Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Richard and Master Duvall came about ten minutes later. “Melinda, Erik?” Master Duvall knocked.

“We’re in here guys, come on in.”

Richard picked me up in a huge bear hug. “I’m gonna miss you two. Don’t get hitched until you’re back though! I’m being a best man!”

I laughed, “Okay, we’ll wait, where are we gonna go anyway? How far away?”

Master Duvall put his hands on my shoulder, “Maybe not far at all, you did kill Kent. You could fight for your right to his throne. You both could live in the palace.”

“You think that’s a good idea sir? I never thought I’d hear my Master say I should fight.”

“It’s your right though. Go be King, show them all that you aren’t weak. That’s right I’m saying go kick some ass.”

I kissed Melinda quickly on the lips. “I’m going by myself; will you both stay here and watch her? Keep Melinda safe while I’m gone.”

“Erik,” she started to protest.

“Melinda, you are staying here, do you understand?” She nodded her head sadly. “Cheer up beautiful. I’ll be back soon, and then we’ll be royalty. Kiss me for good luck.” All too soon I had to let go of our kiss. “I love you Melinda Rose.”

“I love you too—be careful—please.”

“Don’t worry I will.” I left and ran outside, turned on my truck, and started going towards the palace. King, I’ve always wanted this. I speeded the whole way there. Here goes nothing, this should be good.

Guards were everywhere outside. I got their attention by growling loudly. “Who’s there?” one asked and they all turned around.

“Just me boys, you certainly know who I am. If not, allow me to introduce myself, I am King Henderson.”

“We do not serve you! You killed our real King!”

“Exactly, I have a right to his throne, and I would like to have it. This can either go peacefully or I will kill every last one of you.”

“No, he won’t,” one said laughing, “he’s bluffing.”

“Try me,” I said chuckling. He came towards me, I grabbed my stake, and he ran right into it. After he fell down, obviously dead, I yelled, “Who’s next? Any takers?” No one answered, but one more came towards me. “I don’t think so.” I took his stake and put it in his heart. “Then it’s settled I’m King now.”

“Yes, your Majesty,” they all said on command in unison.

“There are gonna be a lot of changes around here. For one, someone grab me some humans.”

“But Sir, there’s a law against doing that.”

“Not anymore. Now go, one of you!”

A smaller vampire went in a car and hurriedly went down the road to do as I said. Good, I’m extremely thirsty. Hope he hurries up. My phone started ringing in my pocket. I answered it, “Hello?”

“Hey Erik, it’s Richard. How did it go?”

“I’m King so it went quite well. I only had to kill two of them before they got the message. Bring Melinda over here, please?”

“Sure thing Erik, give us a few minutes. Bye.” He hung up.

“Your Majesty, my name is Andy.”

“Oh yes, I remember you, what’s your last name?”

“Lenowits Your Higness,” he knelt down on his knees.

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