Chapter 18

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   Chapter 18

  Light peeking through the window woke me up. “Erik? Where are you?” I felt dumb when I saw him beside me. “Sorry, I forgot that we fell asleep in bed together. I’m not used to it still.” He kissed my forehead.

       “I’ll be next to you when you sleep and wake up forever, get used to it,” he caressed my cheek. “Also good morning to our little Michael.” He put his hands on my stomach.

       “Michael? That’s Master Duvall’s first name isn’t it?” I smiled.

       “Yeah, and I have this feeling we’re having a boy. If it’s a girl we can name her Michelle Rose.”

       “Michelle Rose? That’s a gorgeous first and middle name, wonder where you got the middle name from,” I grinned at him. “I wonder how long until this baby gets here since no vampire has had a baby before no one will know. I’m kind of worried about when I have him or her. What if I don’t make it for some reason?”

       “You will be fine, take a breath sweetie, everything is gonna go well.” We both stayed in bed until a doctor came in abruptly.

       “Queen Melinda, how are you feeling today?” the doctor asked me politely.

       “I’m good besides feeling a little sick.”

       “That’s good; can you sit up for me? Just checking up on the baby this will be a regular thing until it’s born.” Erik helped me sit up on my pillows. He started putting a needle in my arm. For some reason I looked away while he took my blood. It’s not like I don’t drink it, but the sight of that needle made me squeamish. “There, I’m done, breathe Miss Catherine.” I took a deep breath; Erik held my hand, while my doctor put a hand on my stomach then put a stethoscope on my chest. He told me to breathe in and out so I did as I was told.

       I couldn’t help but wonder how Mom would’ve taken this. How mad would she be with me for getting pregnant at sixteen? I wish she were here for me. A tear started forming in my right eye. “Something wrong Miss Catherine?” the doctor asked me worriedly.

       “Nothing is wrong are you done?”

       “Yes—have a good day Queen Melinda,” he smiled and walked away.

       “Okay Melinda don’t lie what’s on your mind? Don’t spare my feelings if you think it’ll hurt me.”

       “I just wish my Mom could be here for us I really need her. Erik, I’m scared, what if I’m bad at being a mother? What if I can’t handle it?” The tears started coming down.

       “You have me Melinda I’m trying my best. We’ll be good parents I have no doubt that you’ll be a great mother. No more worrying, I worry enough for both of us, trust me on that one, no one worries about you as much as me.” He held me against him wrapped up in our blankets. “Give me that beautiful smile of yours,” he wiped the tears on my cheek. I faintly smiled for him. “There you go—I’m sure breakfast’s ready—should we go downstairs?”

       My stomach growled on cue. “Yeah I’m hungry—uhm—could you help me out of bed?” Without hesitation he picked me up out of our bed. “Thanks prince charming,” I giggled.

       “Anything for my Snow White I’ll always be at your service. I’m in debt for you saving me from myself, you do know that don’t you?”

       “You aren’t in debt to me; you’re crazy Erik. Your love is enough for me, and that happens to be all I want. Let’s go eat before little Michael starts kicking because he’s hungry.” He smiled and took my hand down the steps, holding my hand like a prince would.

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