Chapter 9

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   About aweek after all of the craziness that went down everything was back to normal. We had a memorial service for Kennedy, such a shame he was killed, I really liked the guy. Not a second went by though that I didn’t think about Melinda, sweet, beautiful, Melinda. Funny, I had almost killed her two weeks ago almost now. Nobody thought I’d change my way of being sadistic and brutal. Forever with her was right in reach. Before that though, we have to get approval by the king. There will be two ways that’ll go, through talking or brute force, I will get my forever with her.

       “Erik, where you at?” She barely opened her eyes, coming out of our room.

       “Open your eyes. I’m right in front of you,” I whispered in her ear. Her smile when she saw me made me smile back. How can this beautiful girl be mine? “Would you like some blood before school today?”

       “Ugh, it’s Thursday not Friday isn’t it?”

       “Afraid so darling, but hey I’ll be there with you. Will a kiss get you through the day?” I grin at her.

       “More than a kiss will—there’s some time—we could—“

       “No, no, no! We have to go right now!” I laughed hard, which in turn made her laugh too. She puts herself against me. “Hey that’s not allowed, school, remember?”

       “Come here.” Her lips touched mine, and I kissed her back. We kept kissing until I heard somebody come down the steps.

“What’s going on in here?” he asked tiredly.

“Ha-ha, nothing much—just getting ready to get some blood for us,” I replied.

“That’s not what it sounded like, so keep it down to a minimum. This vampire needs his sleep, while you two are going to school, I’m usually asleep.” His eyes, drowsily, glare at me.

“What about your girly friend? Don’t you think she’d want you there?” I tease him.

“I’m sure she’ll survive school without me,” he let out a fake yawn. “Plus Master Duvall wants me training with him, thinks it will help me if we get attacked anytime soon.”

“Good point,” I said warily, hoping Melinda didn’t catch on that he seemed worried about that. Our future was so close, yet so far away. Worst of all, Kent wants me dead. Every time we’re in class, he stares, hisses at me when no one’s paying attention, and tries to ‘accidentally’ trip me, like the mature guy he is.

If I could just get my hands on him outside of school, he’d be dead in a heartbeat. “Erik, we’re gonna be late for school, hurry up with whatever you’re staring there blankly for!” I snap out of it, kiss Melinda, grab my keys, and get in the truck. I dread driving to school because that’s where Kent is. I’m still waiting for the day he decides to mess with Melinda again, and when he does I’ll stake him.

I took Melinda’s hand walking into school, miserable school. This is my worst nightmare, going to school. I’ve yet to tell her that we have to get approval from Kent for our marriage. I got her ring a day after I proposed. I decided she should pick, since I have no clue what girls think is pretty.

“What are you thinking so hard about? Your eyebrows look funny when you’re deep in thought too,” she giggled.

“Nothing darling, get to class—we’ll talk later in Home Ec. okay?” Her blue eyes sparkled at me. Oh, how they were so beautiful.

“Fine,” she smiled then walked away. Her flawlessness amazes me more and more each day. Class, as usual, was boring. I fell asleep in second period; I really miss sleeping all day.

Finally, the bell rang for third period. I practically shoved everyone out of my way. Melinda always waited for me at her locker. She was smiling at me, happy to see me. Desperation in my voice, I say, “We can go home early, ya know? I can say you’re sick,” I pleaded with her.

“I never ditch or skip school—never used to. That was old Melinda though,” she smirked. “Let me get my sick act together.”

“Put your stuff away in your lockers, there’s no need for that, for what we’re going to do today.”

“What is that exactly?”

“You’ll see, come on!”

“What’s wrong with her?” the nurse asks me curiously.

       “Her stomach, she’s not feeling well. Can I sign us both out?”

       “Sure, go ahead,” she said uncaringly.

       Just like that we’re out of the school, ready to have some kind of adventure. “I’m taking you to someplace peaceful. We’ll just stay there all day and talk. It won’t bother you any because the sun’s not even out today.”

       “That sounds wonderful,” she beamed. “Erik, do you think we’ll have to leave here soon?”

       “When we get to where I we’re going we’ll talk all about that.” I really need to tell her we have to get approval from Kent first. This day, I can tell, is going to be a great day.

       I drive down to the cornfield. Melinda seems somewhat nervous as I stop the truck by it. Does she not want to be outside?

       “I—I ran off that night here. I got soaked by the rain, but in the morning listened to a bird chirping. This place is usually where I went to think about things.”

       “You mean the first night?”

       “Yes. . .”

       She took my hand and sat in the huge, hovering, corn stalks. “Now to answer your question, yes we will have to leave. By leave, I mean very soon. The police aren’t stupid; they know we’re not your cousins by now most likely. Plus, we were lucky your grandparents didn’t show up for the funeral. They must be out of touch with your whole family, but that was good for us.” She held me tight. “Melinda, after we’re married is when we need to go.”

       “But—that’s too soon. We can wait a little longer, can’t we? I want to celebrate Christmas here.

       “I’ll wait until your Christmas is over, alright? I’ll give you that long. Then you, Richard, and Carly, if she wants, need to go somewhere remote.”

       “Thank you, thank you, so much!” She kissed my lips softly.

       “Anything for my Snow White.” She always has a smile on her face when I call her that. “There’s something I didn’t tell you. We really need to talk about it.”

       “What Erik?”

       “We, meaning you and me, have to get approval from Kent to be married. Don’t freak out—“

       “And you didn’t tell me this before?!” Great, she’s freaking out. “I don’t even want to talk to him, let alone have him decide whether or not I can be happy!”

       “Calm down. . . I’ll get him to say yes. You’re gonna walk down the aisle, if it’s the last thing I do.”

       “When school’s out, let’s go and get it over with.” She seemed more than unenthusiastic about the prospect of going to his house. “Let’s just go back home. I feel a nap coming on.” I kissed her cheek then led her to the truck. A nap would be nice right about now.

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