Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

   Richard went outside to my truck and got in the driver’s side. “We’ll cause a little hell at the bar tonight Erik.” He grinned wide at me as I got in.

       “Yeah, as long as I’m drunk enough that I can’t remember anything, I’ll be good.” Richard started the truck, and with that we were head to the vampire bar.

       All I want is to forget Melinda completely, if that’s even possible. I want to forget her beautiful smile, forget her bright blue eyes, forget her kindness towards me, and just forget how she made me feel. I know though she showed me true love. Even knowing I killed her family she still loved me. How could someone like me get someone perfect like Melinda? More importantly, how could I have let her go that easy?

       “You okay there Erik? You’re awful quiet,” Richard glanced at me.

       “I’m—fine. I was just thinking is all.”

       “Well, you won’t have to think soon enough,” he laughed.

       We pulled up towards the disheveled bar. I looked around to see that almost no one was here. Not like it matters anyway since all I’m going to do is get drunk. Richard went toward the door, said the password, and walked in.

       I walked up, “I’m with him.”

       “Since I always see you in here go on in Erik,” the woman said eyeing me up. Ugh, why does she always look at me like that? Does she think I want her because I don’t.

       I took a seat on a barstool, waiting to begin getting drunk. It might take a few, but I’ll drink as much as I have to. “Erik! It’s been a while, what can I get you?” the woman asked me smiling.

       “Start me out with just a beer or two,” I smiled faintly. She knew how I was and handed me three instead of one or two. Richard was out dancing like a fool. I drank my first beer and watched Erik dance.

       Starting for my second drink, I could feel myself slipping already. Yes, just a little more to forget everything. My sweet escape was maybe two or three drinks away. Before I knew it, I was on my fifth beer. Still, Melinda was engraved in my mind. What will it take for her to never pass my thoughts again?

       Humans were tied up against the bar wall. I smelled for a few seconds, letting the scent hit my nose to smell every one of them. I could barely get off my chair, but I slowly got up and walked towards the humans. The young girl smelled delicious. That’s who I want, her. I dug into her neck with my fangs, screaming, screaming, and more screaming seemed to come from her mouth. “Do you like this?” I whispered in her ear.

       “N-n-n-o—I don’t,” she cried out. “Please stop,” she gasped. I licked her neck gently and went up to her lips. I kissed her quickly, but surprisingly she kissed back. It became an intense make out session in a matter of seconds.

       “Are you done resisting now?” I asked her.

       “Yes—I just want you to kiss me again.” I laughed, knowing the girl actually wanted this, because I wasn’t using mind control at all.

       “How bad do you want it?” I looked into her green eyes.

       “I want it so badly,” she whispered. That’s when I took her to one of the small rooms. She wanted me, and I wanted her in more ways than one.

       When I untied her, she threw almost all of her clothes down. She was nicely built and her brown hair was gorgeous, long and wavy. “Kiss me,” I whispered seductively in her ear. She kissed my lips then down to my neck. “What’s your name darling?”

       “Deliah Nateson,” she replied quickly.

       “Beautiful name.” The beautiful girl, Deliah, started to take off my shirt. “Let me take care of this problem,” I grinned, throwing down my shirt. Then I let her take off my pants. She was starting to sweat already, and it made her scent even stronger. Deliah went on top of me, and I growled quietly. “What are you doing, huh?” I grabbed her violently then threw her under me. Once I took off my boxers, we were both naked.

       Right before I was about to have my way with her, she butted in, “What’s your name?”

       “Erik,” I said as I closed the gap.

       “Erik—“ she moaned loudly. I continued the steady rhythm while drinking her blood. When we were done, I realized all the blood on the bed. Was I that messy with her? Oh well, that was fun. “Erik, I’m tired,” she half yawned.

       “Go to sleep Deliah,” as soon as I said that I succumbed to sleep myself.

       I felt someone shake me roughly, “Erik, get up! Come on man!”

       “What?” I mumbled half awake. A girl is lying next to me, not even a vampire, a human. “Who’s this girl?” I ask. Richard just pulls me out of the bed.

       “Don’t ask, dude, just come on.” I walked slowly with him holding me up. “Jeez, you’re real hung over.”

       “Tell me about it,” I yawn. He put me in my side and started the truck. “Where we going?”

       “Home, you need to sober up. Just try not to get sick in your truck, okay?”

       “All right—I just wanna go back to sleep.” We seemed to be going faster than light on our way home. Bed, that’s what I want right now. I couldn’t recollect last night at all. Who was the girl in the bed? Why was she in bed with me?

       I got out by myself with only a little help from Richard. Soon enough, I was back in my bed. “Hey Richard, who was the girl next to me in bed?”

       “Do you really wanna know?”

       “Uhh—yeah. I’d like to know what I did last night.”

       “Well,” Richard cleared his throat, “you started drinking her blood, then made out with her then, then took her to that room, and you can figure out the rest. Oh, and her name was Deliah.”

       “No, I didn’t—I couldn’t have—you’re lying!” I yelled defensively.

       “Erik, I wouldn’t lie about something like that, you know that. Now just rest or sleep. You really need it.”

       I listened and closed my eyes for a while. This isn’t what I truly need though; I need Melinda, Melinda Rose Catherine. She wouldn’t forgive me for last night though, never, she’d tell me I was a disgrace. She’d ask, “Why did you do it?” My response would be, “Because I missed you.” What kind of excuse is that? A really shitty one. I can already see the disappointment in her face. She was better off with Kent. He’d never do this to her. I’m truly a monster, no a monster is better than me. My heart felt like it was about to break. What have I become? In the back of my mind I started thinking, Erik you’ve always been like this Melinda just changed you for a small amount of time. No, that’s not true; I’m not really like this, am I? I already knew the answer, yes I am.

       Richard came back down with a glass of blood. “Drink it, might help some.” He left back upstairs. I drank the whole glass, wishing I could cry. That’s when I realized tears were stinging my cheeks. Oh no, how is this possible? It felt good to cry though to finally let it all out. 

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