Chapter 10 (Part 1)

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(I'll finish chapter 10 eventually this weekend guys! :) Just be patient and enjoy!)

Chapter 10

Melinda went straight for the couch, when we walked in the house. “You really are tired, huh?” I went over to her and started playing with her hair. Her hair was always soft in my hands.

       “I wasn’t lying when I said I was tired. All I want is a small nap. Then we can go kick Kent’s ass,” she yawned.

       “All right, sweetie, goodnight.”

       “Wait—don’t go yet.”

       “Do you need something?”

       “Uhm—“ she licked her lips. Oh, she must want my blood. “I haven’t had human blood for almost two weeks—could I have some of yours?”

       “There’s no need to ask me; you know you can have my blood whenever you desire. Here,” I shoved my wrist toward her mouth. “Don’t be afraid, just bite me.”

That was more than enough to convince her it was okay, digging her fangs in me. It just felt like tiny pricks in my skin though, barely noticeable. I love when she shows her true side. It’s almost unbearably sexy. I could hear my blood going into her mouth. Eventually, I had to pull my arm away. She needs to pace herself better. Control is a first priority when Kent is watching our every move.

“I’m sorry I pulled away—you just need to control yourself some, darling.”

Melinda looked away with embarrassment, “I’m sorry too—it’s just—I can’t help myself. You taste sweeter than chocolate.”

“I already knew that. Stop being so embarrassed showing me your true side. Embrace what you are Melinda Rose Catherine, soon to be Melinda Rose Henderson.”

“I’m getting a little bit better at it—like the other day—I almost went after that one guy. But guess who stopped me? You did.”

“I had to we were in public. Do you want people thinking you’re psychotic or completely mental? Because I know normal people always go attack random guys at a school.”

“Stop being sarcastic, the point is, I’m trying hard with this new way of living. Give me a break. Isn’t it good enough that I love you?”

“Of course it is, I’m sorry I’ve irritated you,” I said apologetically.

I went towards the fridge. “Would you like some cold blood? You’re thirsty still I know it.”

“Will you warm it up? Please?” she begged.

“Fine, I guess I can do that.”

She giggled, “Thank you good sir.”

“Good sir? You’re weird sometimes Melinda.”

“And you’re not?”


       Something was tugging at my heart, just gently, but enough to feel it. Melinda took the cup out of my hands, intentionally leaning into me. That tugging, was it because I haven’t had a lot of time with her for myself? “Uhm—are you really tired?” I watched her carefully sip the blood.

       “I guess not,” she smiled up from her glass.

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