"Mhm." Yeri grinned, before taking up her hand and pulling her ahead. Under the freeway overpass and to a large clearing where a medium sized group of people, well- spirits... were residing. "Come on Rosie." Yeri tugged her closer. "Don't be shy."

Roseanne mustered up a smile and followed Yeri into the overgrown space, littered with various types of bushes and vines that climbed up the concrete wall to the street above.

"Yerim!" A boy greeted, rushing over to them. Several ghosts turning their heads and looked their way, in response to the noise. Some of those ghosts raising their brows at the sight of her.

"Hey Felix." Yeri let go of her hand and hugged the boy with dark brown hair and an ear piercing. "Felix, this is my friend Rosie. Rosie, this is Felix Lee. A brat of a Korean boy I met about a year ago."

"Hello Rosie." Felix extended his hand and studied the woman's face as she said hello back and offered a smile. His mind immediately telling him that he needed to get to know her more. By all means possible. And if the new ghost's face wasn't any reason to want to, her matching accent and ethnicity sure was.

"Australian and Korean? My favorite two pairings." Felix grinned happily. "I think we're going to get along swimmingly mate. Especially because you're..." He eyed her up and down. "... very pretty."

Roseanne had to bite her tongue and smile. Oh the joys of boys, always needing to compliment a woman's looks like they're their beautifully sculpted object and nothing more. Roseanne still thanked him for the compliment though, before Yeri came to her rescue.

"Okay, how about instead of trying to undress my friend with your eyes..." Yeri chuckled. "... we take her around to meet the others? Rosie hasn't met anyone besides us since she's died."

"What?! Really?! Oh man, we're going to have to introduce you to Kevin mate! The man is off his rocker." Felix went to grab her hand, yet Yeri swatted it away. Not wanting to bother Rosie with meeting old pothead spirits.

"You know," Yeri began, guiding Roseanne away. "Maybe introducing you to Felix wasn't such a good idea..."

"I heard that." Felix huffed while stepping up beside them. "Face it Yeri, you fell in love with me the second you saw me get hit by that car."

"Man how I wish you would have lived." Yeri deadpanned.


"So you don't know how you died?" The blonde boy with shaggy hair questioned her. His clothing seeming to be beachwear when he had died. Board shorts and a long, palm tree patterned tank top.

"No, I don't." Roseanne sighed. "Just that I was walking home, passed out, then got up a ghost."

"But you said you felt a force though?" Another asked. Roseanne nodding her head yes.

"I'm going to go ahead and put my money on getting hit by a car." Felix smacked his hands together. "Think about it! Walking on a street, hit by a force... girl you and me died the same way! It's like we were meant to be, Rosie."

"Nice rhyme." Yeri smiled to him. "But don't you remember when I told you she's gay?"

"No, I don't Yeri. Why don't you remind me again for the millionth time." Felix rolled his eyes.

"Okay!" Yeri smiled brightly. "Rosie's gay. As in, into women. And so so SO out of your league."

"Alright guys, lets not start a war." The palm treed ghost beside her spoke up again. Blonde locks turning to Roseanne. "By the way, name's Mason."

"Awe..." She smiled sadly, her heart warming at the thought of her Pa. "Sorry, my Father's name is Mason too." She shook his hand. "I'm Roseanne, but I think you know that already."

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