The plan

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After my training, I, Dean, Seth, Becky and Roman went out to eat to discuss how to make the best possible application. "We definitely need someone to distract them!" I meant. "I'll do it." Becky answered. "Ok. Then you and Seth think about how to keep them busy so that I, Dean and Roman can prepare everything," I said. "When would you like to propose to her?" Dean asked. "I thought if we won against Maryse and The Miz after the match or what do you think?" I asked. "Ok, then it becomes difficult with the distraction. What do you make of it, if we start a promo after your match with four, you can change," said Seth. "Yes, that's a good idea," I agreed to Seth. "Are you actually attending the gala that will take place tomorrow?" Becky asked me. "Yes I have to, Vince said, as a new WWE superstar is the mandatory program." "Well then you take Alexa and I and Seth come too, then we tease it there," Becky decided. After we had clarified everything and everyone knew what to do, I went to Alexa because I should get to know her parents. "There you are at last, why did it take you so long?" Alexa received me. "I had to discuss something important with Seth and Dean, that couldn't wait," I defended myself. "Anyway, let's go in, they're all waiting for you." I followed Alexa into the living room of her apartment. "Nice to meet you," I was greeted by Alexa's parents. "Tell me how you found each other," asked her mother. "Well it was actually Seth's fault. He asked Alexa to accompany me on my flight to the USA and on the flight we realized that we loved each other. Days later during training, Seth told me about her ex-boyfriend and suggested that I and Alexa should eat something. Then everything gradually developed. ", I told our story. "It turned my head from the start," I added. At the dinner that followed I had to answer a few questions and later Alexa and I drove to me. The WWE gala would take place the next day. I got up early the next day because I wanted to surprise Alexa with breakfast. I had got something for the evening. When breakfast was ready, I looked for another rose and put everything on a tray and carried it to the bedroom. I gently woke Alexa: "Wake up honey. I made you breakfast," I woke her up. "How did I deserve this?" she asked me. "Because you're the best thing that could have happened to me," I replied, giving her a kiss. "There's a little surprise in the bathroom for tonight," I added. We spent the day in bed as we should be rested in the evening.

A few hours later:

Alexa was getting ready while I was still on the phone with Becky: "Is everything ready for later?" I asked Becky. "Yes, she will be happy and will definitely say yes." Becky replied. Because I had decided with Seth and Becky to propose to her at the gala. "Do Dean and Roman know about it too?" I asked, just to be on the safe side. "Yes, they know what to do," Becky assured me on the phone. "Honey you're done we have to go then," I called after I finished the call to the bathroom. "Yes, I'm about to be finished," I got from Alexa as an answer. "Wow, you look beautiful," it shot out of me when I saw Alexa. She was wearing the light blue dress I got for tonight, and she was wearing blue pumps. We made our way to the gala a short time later. I was visibly nervous but didn't show anything.

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