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i flip through the pages to see pictures. 

"oh?" i mumble as i look at the first page once again, looking thoroughly. "isn't this me?" my eyes widen in shock to see pictures of me.

flashback ; 3rd pov

one. a week after introducing each other as old and new students, he consistently had your face in his mind. studying, sleeping, showering, eating. he can't take his mind off of you. he was getting irritated in his seat and groaned, taking a glance at you. you now got friends and he doesn't dare go to talk to you. he printed the picture and post it on the first page of his folder entiled-- "am i inlove?"  as soon as he was satisfied with the picture in the middle, he doodled all over it and finally wrote, 

'am i?'

two. dohyun got first place while you got second in spelling bee. it was the first time the both of you got into the same competition and dohyun was absolutely guilty. although you were happy with what you got, he was guilty. he looked at you with apologetic eyes as you smiled with your friends. 

"son, congratulations! let's take a picture," his mom makes his way to him with all the fuss only to get ignored. "hey, what are you looking at?" his mother starts sulking at him and looks at where he was looking which was you. she smiled teasingly and pinched dohyun on his side to get his attention.

"oh.. why?" dohyun immediately turned his attention to the woman in front of him and smiled. 

"take this and lets take a picture," his mother pushed the camera to him and they took a picture. "might as well take a picture with her." his mom mumbles while looking at the image her son took. dohyun's eyes widens as he shakes his head.

"we should go," he starts pushing his mom out of the auditorium but takes another glance at you, then back to the camera. he sighs as he points the camera's lens to you, taking a picture. he looks at the image and smiles to himself, happy. he printed the picture and post it on another page of his folder and as soon as he was satisfied with the picture in the middle, he doodled all over it and finally wrote,

'im sorry, i'll try losing next time.'

three. it was currently your school's 10th anniversary and you were having a water balloon fight. as usual, you were with your friends, with a grin on your face. dohyun wasn't interested in any activities so he just stood on the school's veranda, where you can see everyone enjoying the activity. he's got his eyes on you as he strokes his camera carefully.

"as long as she wouldn't know.." he mumbles and once again, takes a clear shot of your smiling face. 

he printed the picture and post it on another page of his folder and as soon as he was satisfied with the picture in the middle, he doodled all over it and finally wrote, 

'im sorry if i take too many photos of you. you're just so pretty.'

four. he suddenly found himself smiling while just simply.. looking at you from afar. he slapped himself harshly which earned weird looks from everyone including you and your friends. he bowed, eating once again and stealing a glance of you. his eyes landed on the camera inside his bag, getting it and capturing the same smile, but different feeling.

he printed the picture and post it on another page of his folder and as soon as he was satisfied with the picture in the middle, he doodled all over it and finally wrote, 

'i swear i am absolutely not weird. how do i call it.. may be.. just maybe.. head over heels for you.'

five. he was getting used and used to it. it felt like taking a picture of you each day was a must, and if not, then his day wasn't complete. it was break time and he was staying inside the room as usual, and he sees you walking outside talking with your friends. he gets his camera and quickly takes a picture of you before you got inside the room.

he printed the picture and post it on another page of his folder and as soon as he was satisfied with the picture in the middle, he doodled all over it and finally wrote, 

'am i going to far? i just can't really stop myself. im so sorry,'

one hundred ninety-nine. dohyun can't believe this is the hundred ninety-ninth picture he has of you. it was senior year and he finally gathers up his courage and wanted to talk to you. when he was on his way to the school gates to welcome you, he takes a picture of you then smiles. he was about to walk but then dongho pulls you into a kiss, breaking his heart.

"shit," he mumbles with trembling hands, his heart running away from his body. he feels like the six years he's been liking you was.. nothing. it was his fault not talking to you after all these years anyway, so he decided to blame it all to himself. he walks away, reluctant to any voice that called him that day.

he thought, for the last time, he printed the picture and post it on another page of his folder and as soon as he was satisfied with the picture in the middle, he doodled all over it and finally wrote,

'my last, or maybe i have to be bad. i'll have to look at you from afar, even if you love somebody else. and i think its the latter. i can't stop myself from loving you. love? is it what it is?'

after a few weeks, dohyun sees what you posted about your breakup, and e can't be more happy about it! or so did he thought. the day after, he overhears your conversation with dongho and eunhee.

"you like dohyun?!" dongho asked so loud that even he can't stop himself from looking. you immediately bow and drag dongho out of the cafeteria. he smiles to himself, questioning if what was happening to him was real.

he gathers all f his courage once again, gaining confidence from what he heard. he distributes the exam papers and looks at yours, seeing that you got one wrong-- in what he excelled at. he silently thanked the gods, smiling. 

he saw you pout while looking at the paper, "i didn't bring my camera," he pouts too. he distributes the rest of the papers and goes back at you, who's still intently looking at the paper. the moment you burst out the water from your mouth to his face, he can't stop himself from chuckling.

it isn't what he expected. 

"perhaps, do you want me to teach you? i promise it wouldn't need much time. you keep up really fast," he says, wondering where he got the confidence at. if ever he just did that earlier. he looks at you fiddling with your fingers and he chuckles at himself, gaining much much much more confidence. 

he asks permission to you as he goes to the lockers, which he rarely uses. the sleek black folder he missed just for a few weeks, feeling ecstatic all by himself. 

the moment your hands slightly touched when he got the tray of drinks from you, his heart started betraying him. it was beating rapidly and drinking the cold coffee wasn't helping. he acted all cool, but inside he was celebrating. there were times his voice cracked from the nervousness while teaching you, but regardless, you were not suspicious about it at all.

when he was checking your paper, he noticed you were staring at him and it wasn't helping either. 

now, whenever he sees derivatives, he'll think of you.

to be honest, he doesn't know where you lived. you eventually took the lead as he smiled slyly to yourself. 

his actions never betrayed him. when he got you to his embrace, he was relieved that you weren't hurt, but worried that you're able to feel his fast heartbeat. but apart from all that, he got you in his embrace. if only he had captured that moment.

he was surprised when he sees the familiar road, looking at his house blocks away. when you stops three houses before his, he chuckles to himself, thinking what kind of fate was this. he was dumbfounded when you asked for his number, but still.. of course, he gave it.

𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃 | 𝐝𝐨𝐡𝐲𝐮𝐧Where stories live. Discover now