seventeen: awkward encounter

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This chapter takes place about 2 weeks after the previous one. Betty and Jughead have gone on a few more dates but they're still in the same "what are we?" zone.  


"I don't know. I think he likes me back but it's hard to believe it when he won't just ask me out already? Like what's stopping him from making it official?" I say, playing with my hair as I lay in bed on the Saturday morning talking to Kevin.

Kevin sighs heavily, "Trust me, Betty. He will. I do agree it's odd though, I guess just be patient."

I groan, turning onto my stomach. "Yeah, yeah, I am. But I'm just scared that maybe there's someone else if he isn't willing to commit right now, you know?" 

"I highly doubt it."

"I guess we'll se-"

"Betty! Get ready we have to go drop food off to the food drive at the jail. I volunteered to get my foot into our new community! 5 minutes young lady!" my mom yells out

"Well, I guess I gotta go out with my mom now. I'll talk to you later, Kev."

"Sure thing. Bye, B!"

"Byeeee, muah!" 

I quickly change out of my lounge wear into a pair of skinny jeans and a simple burgundy sweater. I brush my hair, letting it stay down since it was just the jail, no need to cause myself the headache that comes with my classic ponytail. 

I hop down the stairs, finding my mom in the kitchen. 

"Ready!" I smile. 

She looks up at me, "Great." She walks up to me, dropping a a stack of foil trays filled with food into my arms. She then grabs a few more, "All set!"

~ At the Jail ~

"Which way?" I ask, holding the tall stack of trays. 

"I think left." my mom smiles.

Outside the doors stand 5 or so security guards, 2 leading us in and walking on either side of us. We enter the cafeteria, a few jail-mates and security guards scattered around the room. I guess it should be a little nerve-wrecking being in a room filled with criminals, but I felt protected by the guards.

"Alice Cooper?" a manly voice says.

Both my mother and I's attention is brought to the left of me, where a handsome tall man with dark features stands. 

"FP." My mom says, she looks as though she'd seen a ghost. It's Jughead's dad. "I- Wow, has it been long."

He chuckles, bringing himself closer to my mom, the security guard stopping him.

"At least 2 feet apart, Jones."

FP clears his throat, stepping back.

"FP, this is my daughter, Betty." she says pointing in my direction. I smile awkwardly - this was the man who raised my..... Jughead... and who was once engaged to my mother. I had completely forgot to tell Jug about that, I wonder if he knows?

"Hi, nice to meet you." I say.

"Betty tells me she's actually friends with your son, Jug-head is it?" my mom says.

He chuckles at my mom's question in the name. "Jughead, yeah, that's what he goes by. And so you're the new friend who he's talked to me about. He speaks very highly of you, Betty." my cheeks heat up, he then looks at my mom. "Cooper and Jones. Following in our footsteps."

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