one: at first sight

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Hi guys! Many of you guys asked me to turn this one shot (from my book 'Riverdale One Shots') into a full book, so here I am! Keep in mind, it will start off almost the exact same but be a lot more progressive (aka, Bughead doesn't happen right away) so that the story can last longer than one chapter lol. I hope you guys enjoy it and I do justice to the story-line you are all hoping for! ♥


Archie and I are playing video games in his room. As always, I win the race.

"You have to be cheating some how." Archie whines.

"What can I say? I'm just that good, Arch. Sorry." I gloat.

"Hungry?" he asks.

"Always." I respond.

As we head downstairs to the kitchen, the doorbell rings. Both Archie and I go to the door, expecting to see Mr. Andrews coming home from work. We open the door.

"Oh, hey Betty!" Archie welcomes the beautiful girl at his door. "Do you wanna come in?"

"Oh, no, I just came to give you some lasagna! My mom made it as a thank you for showing me around town yesterday, thanks though." she smiles.

"Oh, Jug, this is Betty! She just moved in next door." Archie says to me, introducing me to the mystery girl. I come into the light from behind Archie to be face to face with Betty.

I smile at her and put out a hand expecting her to shake it, instead she is frozen, staring at me.

"Hi, Betty." I say, hoping that her beautiful green eyes would exit the trance they were in.

She shakes her head and apologizes.

"Hi sorry, Betty Cooper." she says before giving me a greeting hug.

"Jughead Jones." I say with a smirk. Her blonde locks were pulled back into a sleek ponytail, framing her perfect face in the best way.

"Are you sure you don't want to come in?" I ask again, wanting her to stay.

She frowns and says

"I gotta get going, my mom is expecting me back."

"Maybe another time?" Archie adds in.

She nods, "Definitely. Hopefully you're still around." she nods towards me.

"Always am, just starting living with Arch over here, my dad just went to jail and my mom and sister live in Toledo." I tell her.

"Jail?" she says with a worried expression.

"He was in the Southside Seprents, the leader actually. The police aren't very fond of them." I say with a laugh.

Betty seems confused as to why I would be laughing about such matter.

"Hey, don't worry about it, it's just for a little bit. My dad is a good man and didn't do anything extremely illegal." I reassure her.

"Oh okay, that's good." she smiles. "I'll see you guys later?"

"Yup!" Archie answers.

I say "Bye, Betty." as she walks down Archie's front stairs. She turns around and her rosy lips turn up, forming a smile.

"Bye, Jughead."

Archie closes the door and we walk back to the kitchen. My head keeps replaying the image of Betty Cooper, the girl next door.

"What's up, bro?" Archie says.

"Huh?" I say, exiting my day dream.

"With Betty? You were looking at her all dreamy eyed." he laughs.

I punch Archie lightly, "What are you talking about." I snicker.

"C'mon, I've never seen you look at a girl like that. It has to mean something." he pushes.

"Well, did you see her? She's beautiful." I shrug.

"Not my type, but yeah, I guess." he says back. "You like her."

"Shut up."

"Jug, you like her." he teases.

"C'mon, Arch, I barely know her." I say, telling myself along with Archie.

"Yeah, yeah. I think she likes you too, dude."

"What makes you think that?" I ask.

"'Hopefully you're still around'" he says in a girly voice. "She wants to hang out with you, clearly."

I smile at the floor, thinking about her.

"Just get me some food." I say to my best friend. "I'll be in your room."

Archie nods and I go upstairs. When I enter Archie's room, I notice a figure moving in the window next door. The figure now stands facing me. It's Betty. I wave. She waves back. Suddenly, she left. I try to peek in to see where she had gone, but she comes back, a marker in hand.

She writes on her window, "647-532-4567." Her phone number.

I pull out my phone and wave it at her. I smile to myself as I type in her number. I pull open the window and point, indicating her to open it as well.

"Say cheese." I say for her contact photo. She looked effortlessly beautiful.

"Beautiful." I say to her.

She laughs and says, "Goodnight, Jug." and closes her window. She had already made me a nickname.

I close Archie's window and laugh to myself, looking down at my new contact.

I turn around to see Archie, leaning on the edge of his door.

"Huh. Is it just me or did you just get her number. Even I don't have her number and we spent all of yesterday together ." he says.

"She wrote it on her window when I saw her through it." I say casually. "It's not a big deal."

It really was a big deal to me though. I had never had someone, from what it seems, like me back. I had barely talked to Betty, but I felt like I already knew her. She was different.

"Okay, I'll bug you tomorrow, let's just eat these fries and sleep." Archie says.

"Don't mind if I do." I say, digging into the fries. "You know what would go great with this?"

"I'm not making burgers, Jug." Archie says, knowing my favourite food.

"Damn, it was worth a shot."

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