sixteen: cold

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My leg shakes as I sit on the examination bed at the doctors. My mom and I wait in the room for the doctor to come back. I was so nervous. It couldn't be anything too bad right? I've always been healthy, I take care of myself. There haven't been any serious genetic illnesses in my family. It's probably just a cold.

No matter how much I told myself that, me being the over thinker I am made me believe it was something far worse.

My mom puts a hand on my leg to stop it from shaking, "Betty, sweetie, it's gonna be okay."

My mom always had to deal with this whenever I came to the doctors. I smile weakly before playing with my nails.

Finally, after what feels like much longer than 10 minutes, the doctor comes back in.

"Nervous are we?" the doctor chuckles.

I giggle, "Just a tad."

"Well, you can relax."

"Please just tell me it's not pneumonia ." I blurt.

He shakes his head and laughs, "No, Miss Cooper. Most likely just a minor cold. Just take some over-the-counter cold and cough medicine and you should be good as new within the next few days. If in two days or so, it's getting worse, give me a call and we'll check in on how you're doing and see if you need the flu antibiotics."

I nod my head, "Alright, thank you." I hop off the bed and put on my coat.

"See, hun, you worry too much." my mom says as we walk out of the office

"Mom, my throat was sore. I wanted to be safe." I reason.

She shakes her head and smiles, "Oh, Elizabeth."

I snatch the keys from her hand and run to the driver's side of our car, "I'm driving back!"

I only had my permit so I had to have her in the vehicle with me.

"Fine." she says.

~Back Home ~

My phone buzzes beside me as I watch YouTube on my bed.

'jug 🤴🏻'

Hey, are you home from the doctor's yet?

I smile at the sight of a text from him. GOD, you're a goner, Betty.


Hi, yeah! Got home like 20 minutes ago.

'jug 🤴🏻'

Do you wanna meet me at Sweetwater? I'm out for a walk and could use some company.

My stomach flutters in excitement of seeing him.


I'd love to. Let me get dressed and tell my parents. See you in a bit.

'jug 🤴🏻'

Can't wait 👅 🤤

I laugh at his choice of emojis.

I pull on a pair of light grey sweatpants, a white tank top with small pink flowers, and a jean jacket. I pull my hair out of my ponytail and put on a pink elastic headband to hold my hair back instead.

"Hey mom?" I call out as I trot down the stairs.

"In the kitchen!"

"Could I go for a walk by the river? My friend just asked to meet there."

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