eleven: reassurance

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"What are we doing Arch?" I question, as Archie had led me up to his/our room without a word.

"You and Betty have a date tonight." he says.

"No we don't?"

He reaches into his pocket and waves a phone... my phone. "You do now!"

I put my hand in my jean jacket where I usually kept my phone and furrow my brows as it isn't there. "How the fuck did you even get that?" I leap from the bed and snatch my phone back.

"Doesn't matter. You're picking her up at 6, take her wherever you want, I didn't give details." I open my phone as he speaks, reading the text he had sent Betty.


What do you say to date #2 tonight, at 6?

I'll admit, that didn't sound too far from something I would say. Betty's response was also a classic Betty response, "I say yes, only to make you happy."

"I mean, I could've planned a date myself, but thanks."

"Sure thing." he begins walking out the room to go to the kitchen, "Also, yes, you could've planned it, but it'd take you about 2 weeks to work up the courage to ask her."

I throw a nearby football at him, earning a chuckle from him as he runs off. Well, he wasn't wrong per se.

The only thing was, how would I come up with the perfect date in less than 2 hours..


10 minutes earlier...

"Fuck. FUCK" I shout

"WHAT!" Kevin says racing to my side.

I point to my phone, "He's asking me on another date, tonight at 6, what do I say?" I frantically flail my arms in excitement. 

"Um... yes? What else, hurry up!" He rushes me.

I type in my response, quick and quirky. 'I say yes, only to make you happy.'

"Perfect. Now get ready." 

"What do I wear? He didn't say what we're doing."

"Simple to play it safe, but on the dressy side in case it's some place nice... hm let me see." He opens my closet. Kevin has quickly become my date-stylist. 

"I need your sexiest bra to missy, take it out." he says, his back towards me as he rummages through my closet.

"Kev, what the hell are you assuming." I say as I hesitantly go through my undergarments.

"Always good to be prepared, right?" he says with a shrug of his shoulder. 

"I guess..." 

I pull our my lacy maroon bra. The deep red lace extends to my midriff like a, my skin exposed through it. The intricate lace continues over top the maroon padding, the straps thin. I don't tell Kevin to hide the fact that I was secretly hoping for something to happen as well, but I take out the matching maroon lace underwear.  

"Find something?" I ask.

"The perfect outfit."

He throws a pair of light wash, high wasted skinny jeans, a mauve top with long, lace sleeves that cinches at the waist, and a pair of white converse onto the bed.

"Cute, thanks Kev." I grab them and go into the bathroom.

As I change into the undergarments, I look in the mirror, inhaling deeply and thinking if Jughead would like what he sees. Would he? 

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