thirteen: gotta know

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The Next Day - 5:30 am

I wake up bright and early so I have time to do everything I usually do, along with covering up these hickeys. I first hop into the shower, the warm water bringing relief to my aching neck and my tired body. Next, I pull on some clothes, a pair of blue jeans and a maroon sweater with a lace collar. Luckily this top already covers half of the hickeys that were lower, but now for the other dozen of them on my neck.

I start off with a colour corrector to cancel out the purple, then apply my concealer over top. I use a compact mirror to cover the ones on the back of my neck as well. Perfect! Now it's 6:30.

I blow dry my hair and brush it up into my classic ponytail, high and taut. Once my hair is out of my face, I apply a bit of blush, a subtle highlighter, mascara and a peach lip gloss. It's now 7:02.

I pull on my socks, grab my packed backpack and lip gloss, and run down stairs. For breakfast I make a bagel with cream cheese, accompanied by a glass of orange juice. I scroll through instagram as I eat, I assume my parents are still asleep. The doorbell rings just as I finish my last bite, who could it be?

I wipe my face with a napkin and re-apply my gloss, popping it into my bag and I walk towards the door, grabbing my coat as well. My face lights up as I see who it is.

"Hey." he smiles, "Thought I'd walk you to school."

I smile back, "How kind of you." I taunt.

I step up, locking my front door with my keys before putting them in my coat's pocket.

"How has your morning been?" I ask as we walk down my front steps.

"Pretty good, you?"

"Long, I've been awake for ... " I check the time on my phone, "3 and a half hours now."

"What the fuck did you wake up at 5:30 for?"

"Well.." how do I put this, "I like to take my time."

"Oh yeah, me to, I like to take my time getting a good amount of sleep though."

I chuckle, "HAha, don't judge me." I say giving him a glare.

We walk in silence for a bit, a comfortable silence.

"So, about last night.." he begins.

I tense up. The way he's saying it seems as though he is going to say something bad. I nonchalantly blurt out, "What about last night?"

He stops, "O-Our date?"

Fuck, he must think I forgot. Good going Betty.

"No! No I remember, of course I remember." I smile, caressing his cheek.

He leans into the palm of my hand with a smile, then grabbing my hand and intertwining his fingers.

We continue to walk as he looks down at our conjoined hands, using his other hand to dance his fingers around the back of mine. "I had an incredible time, Betty."

Is this it? Is he going to ask me out?

"Me too, Jug." I look at him and bite my lip as his eyes meet mine.

His mouth opens, but closes quickly after. He breaks eye contact and looks forward, "Good.."



We finally reach our school, however class starts in 10 minutes. Jughead and I decide to sit at one of the benches outside the school.

Once we sit down, our hands still intertwined he says, "Oh, hey look, I wanted to show you something."

He pulls out his phone and shows me the cutest video of him and Archie as kids.

I scoot closer and rest my head on his shoulder, "Awhh, so so cute. You still wore that beanie." I giggle.

He furrows his brows and shakes his head at me in a sarcastic way, "Why, of course!"

I laugh in response.

I rest my chin on his shoulder as he continues to watch the video, my eyes scanning his face. His features were perfect, if you ask me. The smooth angle of his nose, his plump and pursed pink lips, his bright eyes that fluttered with luscious lashes.

"What are you looking at?" he smiles, breaking my gaze.

"What? No-Nothing." I shake my head, redirecting my attention to his phone which is now on iMessage. I notice my profile picture and immediately scrunch my nose.

"Ew, change that." I point it out.

"I don't have any other pictures of you." he shrugs. "And I like that picture."

"Well, I don't." I smile. He rolls his eyes.

"Take one now, it can be both of us together!" I say in excitement, telling him to open his camera app.

He opens it up, putting his arm up to get us both in the frame. The rising sun shines on us providing the perfect, warm lightning.

I lean into him some more and smile. He takes a picture.

"No, take another one."

I move one leg onto the other side of the bench so I can scoot even closer and turn my body towards him. I wrap my arms around his neck and his arm comes around my back. I rest my head on his shoulder and smile - Click!

"I like that one." I smile and I kiss his cheek. He takes a picture as I do so.

I giggle, "Lemme see that one."

He clicks the small square on the bottom left, opening the most recent picture.

I can't help but grin at how happy he and I look in the picture.

"I like that one too." I smile at him, his eyes meeting mine.

His gaze shifts to my lips before he slowly comes in. I lean forward as well, our lips meeting for a quick peck.

It was so natural, almost as if we'd been dating for months. On the down side, we weren't dating at all -- or were we and he just assumed I would know. I didn't know if he would actually ever ask me out, or if we'd just act as we are - like a couple - and we are one without ever blatantly mentioning it.

I had to know.

"Hey, Jug?"

He looks at me attentively.

"I'm gonna ask you a question, it might sound a little weird, but I need to know."


Hope you guys liked that chapter, sorry if it was short <3 just wanted to say thank you so much for 150 followers!!! I can't believe it. 

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