nine: new day

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"What do you mean you were once engaged to Jughead's dad?" I say in shock.

What was the likelihood that the one boy I've had a major crush on - and that likes me back -  the guy who I shared my first kiss with... his father was once engaged to my mother. 

"I mean exactly what I said. We were high school lovers-"

I wince at the word and put a hand up to stop her. My mind is running with gross thoughts of my mother and Jughead's father. "Okay, I get it. What happened?"

"Well, we dated from grade 9 to 12, against my parents' will however. He proposed close to the end of the 12th grade year, and I said yes. We were stupid, overcome by love and not thinking straight. Then I met your father in grade 13 - yes we had a 13th grade back then- I.. I was unfaithful to FP and I felt so guilty, I told him and he broke up with me."

"Woah... well, I'm guessing having a get together isn't so ideal then?"

She smiles, shaking her head, "Oh, honey, it's fine! It's been more than 20 years, I'm sure FP has grown as much as I have. I would love to become close to the parents of your friends, even if it's someone from my past."

"Okay, I'll talk to Jug about it." I nod hesitantly. 

I run up to my room after saying goodnight to my mom, changing into my short lace and silk pink night gown. 

I turn on my lamp and turn of my light, leaving the room dim. Once I get into bed, I notice that I have a message. 


Can't stop thinking about you.

I bite my lip as I read the message, my stomach fluttering, my cheeks heating up.

I begin typing,


Me neither.

Almost immediately, the three dots in a bubble appear.


Come to the window.

I pull on the matching silk pink robe to my night gown, covering myself before going to the window.

My lips turn up when I see him across from me, his hair messy under his beanie.

I look down at my phone as I feel in vibrate in my hands.


I guess this helps.


Yeah, a bit.

I look up at him, finding Archie coming up from behind him, waving at me.

I wave back in response.

Archie makes a heart with his hands behind Jughead, them pointing at me and making dramatic faces. I can't help but chuckle, Jughead turning around in confusion.

I see him push Archie with furrowed brows, Archie putting his hands up in surrender and waving goodbye to me before disappearing into the room. 

The Girl Next Door - A Bughead FanfictionNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ