fifteen: a look inside

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"Alright" I hear from my bathroom, "coming in hot with the next piece, I like to call it sexy... snow white"

Ronnie steps out wearing a navy blue lace lingerie set, a little red bow in the middle of the chest.

"Wow, Ronnie that-" my eyes scan her, wow she was hot "that might just be my favourite. Blue is most definitely your colour."

"Yeah?" she questions, walking up to me as I sit on my bed, straddling me on my lap. "Noted."

She lets her arms fall onto my shoulders, her hand coming up behind my head, taking my ginger locks between her fingers. Her lips fall loose as she inches closer, pining for my lips. 

"Wait, wait, wait." I put a hand on her chest to keep her from coming closer, her brows furrow. "If this is gonna work, I have some asks."

She moves her lips to my neck, "I'm listening, anything for you, Archiekins." she sucks on the skin, making it hard for me to think.

"Well, I need you to lay off my friends."

She sits straight to meet her eyes with mine, "Including that hag Betty?" she winces.

I look at her with my brows raised, "Ronnie..."

"Okay! Okay, fine. I'll be nice, that doesn't mean I like them though." she smiles down at me.

"Great, that's all I ask, just play fair and we're all set." 

I tuck her hair behind her ear as she smiles in agreement, letting my finger trace her jaw before pulling her in again, letting us fall to the bed. 


"C'mon Betty, give it back!" I say, my arms on either side of her from behind as she leans forward to get my hands as far away from my phone as possible. 

She giggles, continuing to watch a childhood video of me falling off Archie's tree house. "T-This is quality content, I will not give it up!" she says, her voice shaky from laughter. 

"Don't make me use these hands" I say teasingly. "Badum....badum...." I hum the jaws theme song, bringing my fingers near her neck before attacking her with tickles.

She jolts down, now laying on her bed, her knees tight to her chest as she erupts in laughter "J-JUG-JUGHEAD! S-STOP, STOP OKAY TAKE IT", she moves side to side trying to move away from my hands. 

I take my chance, snatching the phone from her now-loose grasp. "Aha! I warned ya."

She exhales, sitting up a smile still on her face from the laughter, "It's okay, I AirDropped it to my phone anyways," she raises her phone, a smug look on her face as she shakes it.

"You are a sly one Betty Cooper."

"Guilty as charged!" she shrugs.

"I'll get my revenge, I'd sleep with one eye open, Betts." I fall back onto her pillow, she scoots up to sit by me, her legs crossed as she stares down at me. I tap her knee as I say, "I won't rest until I find the most humiliating childhood video of you that exists." 

She scrunches her nose, leaning down and shaking it against mine responding with, "You would neverrr."

I hold her head near mine with a hand on her cheek, "Oh, I would." 

She chuckles, a wide smile on her face, "You're silly."

"You looooove it." I smirk, bringing her lips to mine. 

She gives in for a moment before lifting herself away, pushing against my chest to sit up straight again. "Mm, none of this."

I fold my arms behind my head, "What?"

"It is now 4pm, and I hate to kick you out but I've got a date to get ready for," she says, pulling me up with my arms.

I sit up, my heart sinking. "A-A date?"

"Is there a problem? We aren't dating right?" she says.

I look down to my lap, shaking my head, "I-uh no, I guess not, I just thought there was an unspoken-"

Her head falls back in laughter, then putting a hand on my lap, "Awh, Jug, I'm kidding! Look at how upset you got," she dramatically pouts, squeezing my cheeks. "But, I do have a doctors appointment, so unfortunately you gotta" she points behind her as in saying 'gotta leave'. 

"You evil girl, you." I can't help but smirk. "Okay, I'll get outta your hair."

She gets up from the bed, and I follow. She trot down the stairs and turns around, resting her back to her front door as I reach the end of the stairs. I walk towards her as she says, "On second thought, I don't want you to go maybe I can reschedule the appointment." she giggles, sarcastically but with truth behind it. 

She looks up at me, grabbing my jacket as I stand over her. "Oh, now, I wouldn't want to keep you all for myself Betts. As amazing as it sounds, it would be cruel to deprive the outside world of you. " 

She pouts, "Finee." 

I lift her chin up, pecking her lips once more before her hand reaches behind her and opens the door.

She comes out to her porch with me, her hand now on the outside handle as she stands at her door when I say, "See ya, Juliet."

She bites her lip in a smile, "Bye, Jug."

With that, I begin walking over next door and see her turn around with a smile, shaking her head as she walks back into her house. 

I enter our house calling out for Archie.

"Arch! Arch, I'm home!" I continue to call, but to no avail. I reach for our room door saying, "Hey, Arch I-" I immediately shut it close seeing far too much of my best friend and his witch of a "girlfriend". "OH GOD, OH MY- NO." I say, running down the stairs to the kitchen.

I rub my eyes, hoping to squeeze the image out of my head. Food, food I need food.

I pull out some chips, but feel sick to my stomach, "NOPE, not food. God, I can't eat! That is not good that is not okay, sweet jesus no, what do I DO-" I'm cut off with the sound of running down the stairs. 

"NO DO NOT-" There stands Archie in his boxers, shortly after followed by Veronica in a robe. 

"Jug, I am so sorry you walked in on tha-" he tries to put a hand on my shoulder but I push away, cutting him off with a shriek.

"AHHHHAHAHA, NO TOUCH." I shiver and shake out the disgust I feel. "Sock on the DOOR, Archie, we discussed this."

Veronica holds in a chuckle behind him, leaning on the frame to the kitchen, "I-I know, Jughead I forgot." Archie says, taking out some lemonade from the fridge. "Here, lemme pour you some of this, your favourite."

"No. You've broken me, I can't even eat without feeling nauseous. Who am I without food? I..."

His face drops and interrupts my rant, "Oh no. YOU can't eat? All you do is eat, bro- you have to go see a therapist, Jughead, maybe theres a place that can erase your memories like in the movies with the bzzz like electric shock that just wipes it, or like blend food so you can drink it like its baby foo-"

"Chillax, boys!" Veronica cuts off the two frantic boys standing before her. "Why don't you go take a walk, hobo?"

I roll my eyes, for a moment I forgot what a bitch she was. 

"I mean.... kind brotherly friend to Archiekins." she fake-smiles, correcting herself. 

I scoff, exhaling, "Actually, I think I will do that, Lodge."

"Jug-" Archie starts, reaching out for me as I walk towards the front door.

"ERUGHHSAHDISFH" I shiver again in distaste and then freeze, "No!" I swat his hand off of me. 

With that I walk out, all the way to Sweetwater River.

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