three: just can't get enough

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The next morning I wake up at 11 a.m. It's Sunday.

"Arch." I rasp. "Wake up."

He groans, "Stopp."

"It's 11, we should eat."

He groans again. I stand up from my mattress, shaking him. "C'mon."

He groans even louder, practically yelling, then covers his face with a pillow. Jesus.

After going to the bathroom and brushing my teeth, I decide I'll just eat breakfast myself, maybe Mr. Andrews is downstairs unless he already left for work. I trot down the stairs and the sight of the red door, I remember my new neighbor. A burning desire immediately fills me to text her like I did last night. Would that be too desperate? Of course it would. Did I care? Absolutely not.

As I take out a bowl and pour in cereal, I open my phone, going to the top of my messages and clicking on my conversation with Betty. 



Thought I'd say good morning.


Okay, I regret that. She probably won't even answer.

 I pour milk into my bowl and grab a spoon, sitting on one of the couches in the living room and eating my cereal. Evidently, Mr. Andrews had already left for work. 

My phone buzzes and I reach for it at the speed of light. 



Good morning to you too :)

I smile at the text.. god I'm so giddy when it comes to her.


Just wake up?


Yeah. What about you?


Yeah, just eating breakfast now.


So I assume the first thing you did was text me, huh? Can't get enough?

I feel my face heat up in embarrassment.


Don't flatter yourself, I'm just follow common practice. We texted goodnight, so I said good morning.

I was lying to myself as I typed the text. I really couldn't get enough of Betty.


I thought maybe you cared a bit more than that - despite the fact that we just met.

My heart jumps. Was she being sarcastic?


Do you want me to care..?


Of course..

My stomach turns.


Well, I do. I was just teasing.



The Girl Next Door - A Bughead FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now