Jessica had her hands up.

Dean slowly lowered to the ground and dropped his gun.

The two officers came towards the hunters and put them in cuffs. Then they put them in the back of their car and took off.


"Can I—"

"If you tell me you're from the bureau one more time I'm gonna air you out myself."

Dean shut his mouth.

The officer in front of the two played with Dean's phone. "No signal. What are you some Jerry spy?"

"A Jerry what?" Dean raised a brow.

"And a terrible one at that." The officer scoffed. Then he picked up Dean's badge.

"This badge was issued sixty eight years from now. Ace work, Kraut-muncher."

Jessica's eyes widened slightly.

"We're stuck in 1944?!"

"We're all stuck in 1944, ya bunny."

Suddenly, the door to the room opened and then slammed shut. The officer looked behind him and walked towards another man.

"Take a powder." He said.

The officer nodded his head. "Yes, sir." Then he left the room.

The man walked towards the two hunters then stopped. "What happened in the alley and paint me a real picture."

Dean sighed. "We were chasing this dude. Uh, then we saw him mummify a guy." He nodded his head. "So, we jumped him. He lights up red. Poof, we're in 1944."

The man sat down and took off his hat. He then placed a file down onto the table.

"Tell me more about the red light."

"Are you seriously asking—" Dean was cut off.

"You want out of this jail, you're gonna tell me everything you can about that man and the so-called light."

"We saw it and then we were here." Dean replied.

The man sighed. "Would you say that, uh... it was all around you or that more that it came from inside this fella?"

Dean tilted his head to the side. "You believe me."

Jessica looked closely at this man. "Are you... you're a hunter."

"I don't know what you're talking about." The man replied.

"Demons, ghosts, shifters." Dean said. "Hey, we've killed them all. And you're the same. Just 68 years before us, huh?"

The man smirked a bit. "And you're name is..." he held out his hand for Dean to shake.

"Dean Winchester." Dean shook the man's hand.

"Ness. Eliot Ness." The man replied. He looked over towards Jessica and smiled. "And who are you?"

"Jessica Winchester." She held out her hand for the man to shake. Jessica wasn't expecting him to bring it up to his lips and kiss it. "Oh, wow, um okay." Her cheeks began to heat up.

Sunlight ¥ Dean Winchester [1]Where stories live. Discover now