“Go to sleep now, we have to meet people tomorrow” I kissed her forehead lightly as she cuddled me closer. 

After about 10 minutes I heard faint snores coming from Chloe, that’s my cue to sleep. 

Chloe’s P.O.V 

I woke up suddenly to the sight of… well nothing. It was pitch black. 

‘2:34am’ damn it! 

I wriggled out of Harry’s arms and set myself up on my feet. Of corse I couldn’t sleep. Being in my own bed, things getting back to normal, it was a lot to take in all in one day. 

I hopped out of bed and tip toed into the kitchen trying not to wake Harry. I opened the fridge to ind a bag of M&Ms. Score! 

I started walking to the couch whilst trying to open the little bag of chocolate. 

Finally I reached the couch, though before I sat down I opened the bag of chocolate, and knowing my luck everything spilled

“Fuck” I Cursed under my breath, the M&Ms spilt everywhere, making loud crashing noises on the hard wood flooring. 

“Please don’t wake Harry, please do not wake harry” I whispered tensing my body in stress

“You woke Harry” I felt to arms snake around my waist coming from the back.

“SHIT” I screamed in fright 

“Shh, calm down babe” He hugged me even tighter. 

“Don’t do that! You scared the crap out of me!” I turned to face him

“How do you think I felt when I heard crashes and my girlfriend wasn’t in bed!” he objected. 


“I was hungry” I lied 

“See, I told you we should have had dinner” He eyed me 

“Well I wasn’t hungry at that time” I said. 

Lying to Harry is not fun. But I don’t feel like telling anyone that real reason why I was acting this way. 

“Haz, go back to bed” I demanded as I started picking up the crushed candy 

“Why are you being so bossy huh?” I felt my weight being lifted of the ground.

“because it’s nearly 3am in the morning” I said stating my point

“Well you’re the one who was mucking around at this time” 

Full of it - Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now