in your next life ; chapter 19

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  A/N: OMG I'M SO SORRY i forgot to upload yesterday i slept at 5am doing god know's what- i hope you enjoy! i'm sorry it's late!

  Knock. Knock. Knock.

  The sound was muffled- really blur but even so, I could hear it as a banging against the door.

  And yes, it was.

  "Hey! Planning Committee?" Felix's voice from outside sounded worried- almost terrified. "Aigoo... Are you guys even alive?" My eyes were closed- I felt like I couldn't move because I was tired- but it was because I felt a huge weight on me.

  And yes, there was.

  My face reddened with hues of red the moment my eyes lifted- I saw arms wrapped around me- black and green sleeves of one and only's hoodie. My heart pounded even faster, though- the moment I set eyes on the clock pointing to 8 o'clock. "Lucas!" I tried my best to do it in a whisper. "Let me sleep, grandpa..."

  A laugh escaped my lips- but it curved into a pout afterwards. I looked up to his long lashes and porcelain skin. "Lucas!" My face'd gone even redder.

  Taking a peek to what I could see, no one was awake. Jennette's arms were spread eagled- which I never thought was something she'd sleep like- Ijekiel was in a corner leaning against the wall, eyes shut. I didn't even know what Yoona and Tae Eun were doing- how did her head even end up lying on his calf- and how did he not wake up from that?

  And so- I got to my last resort. I squeezed my arm out, sending a flick to Lucas's forehead while Felix was still knocking on the door. "Lucas!" I spoke it this time as he flinched, arms opening wide as I was finally let out of his grasp. "What gives?!" His pout lingered his lips.

  "This gives?!" I spread my arms out, pointing to both the door and the clock. "Oh-"

  "Shit," we both spoke. "We'll wake two each- got that?" And here we were- partners in crime again. I had to admit- I wasn't angry, but more of amused. Seeing them sleep so soundly was adorable and funny at the same time, especially the Flowering Heart couple over here.

I gave Yoona a poke in the cheek, causing her to jerk up with a flustered expression- of course, every normal human's expression after being woken from their sound sleep.

"It's 8, you guys, and Mr Robane, is breathing down our necks right now!" I tried to say in a whisper. "We have exactly 30 minutes to wash up and get our asses down to the lobby for assembly!"

  "To save all our asses, we'll all act awake on one, two..."

  With bated breath, I clicked open the lock on the door to see Felix ready to pull his hairs out. "Oh- Mr Robane," Ijekiel spoke- his voice was still hoarse from his sleep. "We couldn't hear you over our intense discussions." Crap.

  "I know you little rascals were sleeping- now just hurry up and get ready fast!"

  We were caught even before we could lie!


  "I didn't know your grandpa wakes you up in the morning," the words escaped my mouth as I gave a smug grin. "What?"

  We were walking down to the lobby- exploring the inn a little. After all, the school'd probably booked a whole level or two for the camp.

  "My grandpa?" He tilted his head, puzzled. Slinging an arm around my shoulder- he took me by surprise. "I did call you grandpa earlier, didn't I?" I pouted. "Didn't know I was your father's father to you, Lucas," I frowned jokingly, crossing my arms.

  "What would you have rather heard from a half-asleep, sleep deprived kid, then?" He let out a chuckle. "Good morning, my precious girlfriend?"

  "Mhm," I hummed- gosh, I was in a good mood for the day. "See, even you-"

  "Wait, did you just agree?"

  His face burst into several shades of red, his eyes avoided my gaze as he mumbled. "Okay then, Princess." To be honest, that caught me completely off guard. He swiftly bent his head down to the side, ending up right in front of my face. "Good morning, my precious girlfriend," after realising what he'd just done, Lucas's face seemed to to be flushed as I reached up to ruffle his hair. "Pff."

"By the way, what's for lunch?" My eyes lit up at the thought of lunch- juicy, sweet, or salty- or bitter or sour, but food! "It's 8.28, Athy-"

"It's 8.28, idiot!" Lucas's smile faded into a frantic expression as he grabbed my arm, dragging me across the inn as the rest'd already gone ahead.

"We're..." He was panting frantically, as if he'd just ran a whole kilometre. Gosh, he really was unfit, wasn't he? I let out a hidden giggle, not exactly out of breath at all. Perhaps it was because he was the one sprinting all the way, I was just in his grasp. "...not late," he finally caught his breath.

The clock at the assembly area showed 8.29, on the dot as I made my way to the rest. "We've split them into their groups," Jennette's words brushed my ear. "You're taking Group 1."

It kinda scared me a little at first, but it seemed to get better every time we talked.

•Time Skip•

Day One: 23 45 pm
Third Person View

Six kids- of course, enough for trouble.

One was crawling up the stairs of the lounge with all his might, god knows where he was even going to. Another, sobbing in the corner of the room, hugging a stuffed rabbit as she whined. The next one, thinking she were a magical girl in a kid's show, screaming the words 'Flowering Heart!'. Of course, yes, another, just knocked out cold on the floor.

Another two, one completely fine as he watched over the blondie, chin rested on his hand leaning on his elbow as the girl held tight onto a glass of purple liquid. "T-This is my chocolate cake!"

"Y-You're here to," she exclaimed. "T-To steal it, aren't you!" Hiccup. His smile seemed to linger his lips as his eyes seemed to disappear into his laughter.

The night breeze seemed to be extra cold outside with the deafening silence that loomed the inn- after all, all the students were said to be asleep, and the teachers had gone out for a drink together- with of course, Mr Felix Robane, as the youngest teacher around to patrol the place.

Yet- little did he know about the chaos in the lounge they'd booked for the students- and the liquor their camp caretaker from the inn, Ms Diana had in the lounge's refrigerator.

; A/N ;
next chapter to find out how they ended up like this! OMG OMG I AM SO SORRY I THINK THIS CHAPTER IS RLY BAD IDK I FEEL RLY SHIT ABT MYSELF TAT is it baad? iDK! AAA anyw i am so so sorry i'm late i've been p busy lately :( but i hope u guys are doing well <3 pls stay safe and healthy- and HAPPI! love u guys always 🥺👉👈 and and i hope you're excited for next week's chapter 🥺🥰

till next monday,
ja, matane~
-eru <3

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