in your next life ; chapter 10.5

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  "Yoona's childhood names," I read, squinting my eyes and trying to make sense of Yoona's extremely tiny handwriting. Yoona held her breath tight, serious as she got her pen ready.


I was confused for a moment, but shook it off. It sounded really familiar, but was something I just couldn't put my finger on.

"And, and," I noticed the but of writing beside those words as I spoke. "Chubscicles."

  The confusion rose- deeper and deeper, and soon, it made no sense to me. Was 'Chubsicles' supposed to have something to to with the word 'Chubby'? Yoona had a very slender appearance, a sharp jawline with thin arms. It made no sense, but perhaps it was different in her childhood. Because, I would say, most of us were probably chubby as a child, with baby fat.

  After all, it's only what's inside that matters. For a fact, Yoona seemed to be geniune at heart.

  "Care to explain?" I looked to her, giggling as her face went beetroot red- while Tae Eun tried to save his laughter. "Well, it ties to his name," she shrugged, hands put to her face, eyes peeking through the holes. "To Tae Eun's?"

  "Yeah, his nickname, though."

  "Tubby and Chess," she added. "And, well, I liked ice pops."

  I felt a big bulb light up above my head- I remembered those names, vaguely but definitely. And then it hit me!

  Flowering Heart!

  Flowering Heart was a kid's book, for intermediate readers about three friends who'd formed an advice club, and got magical powers to transform into adults and save people in despair. It felt frightening- the thought of it sent a shiver down my spine and yet, I could not deny that it was false.

  The main characters names were Ari and Chess. Ari was the main, pink-haired and 12-year-old main protagonist, while Chess was the 17-year-old secondary main character who was a love interest to her- and also as a hamster, one of her closest companions, and his name was...


  It made so much sense- Chess having dark hair and eyes, while Ari having eyes and hair brighter than the glowing sun.

  It felt as if they were the real characters- right in front of her eyes. But as much as I couldn't believe it was real, it didn't seem one but fake either. I stopped in my train of thought, clearing everything I'd thought of.

  It couldn't be at all, because it would make no sense. Of course, past lives would make sense to my flashbacks, but characters from a book coming to life would make no sense. It could be a mere coincidence, after all.

  Everything was just a coincidence.


  I snapped back to reality to see a full view of a couple's concerned expressions and Yoona's worried tone of voice.

  But as much as I tried, I couldn't convince myself to believe it was a mere coincidence- but I'd keep it as a mystery for another day.

  "I'm sorry, I'm okay," clearing my throat, I picked the paper up and took a deep, apprehensive breath. "I'll continue."


; A/N ;
a pretty short one! update! i changed tae eun and yoona's appearance descriptions a little! i'm twisting up the story a little :" this is a small sub-chapter, but it's relevant to the main plot! trust me, all this knowledge will come to a use soon- i promise. but anywaay, i hope you liked it! i hope you leave a comment or vote if you did- and feedback if you didn't- i rly love feedback,, whether it's good or bad, so feel free to comment! i'm sorry this week's chapter is a little confusing and my writing isn't rly good! i'm not rly in the right state of mind today 🥺

next- guess who's sick T^T i'm stuck with a Upper Respiratory Tract Infection and i'm stuck at home for today and tomorrow ( well, more like the school not allowing me to go back until my medical certificate ends ) - i really don't wanna miss school tbh :( it's a lotta content but at the same time i feel pretty weak and in pain but sigh T^T but it's my fault, tbh! but i'll recover! i hope... anyway,, if ur reading this, pls take care of urselves and be healthy! love u guys lots 🥰

till next monday, or not
well, most probably next monday
ja, matane~
-eru <3

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