missing you ; chapter 2

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The door flew open to a slightly above average sized garden beside the Tower Lucas had always been rumoured to be defending.

The plants and flowers were beautiful- most of them had been pastel coloured, Periwinkles, Roses, Lilacs. Butterflies and bees fluttered their wings gracefully around the dome.

"A flower dome?"

I was puzzled at why'd he brought me there. It hadn't seemed different from usual, but the timing was off.

"Why in the middle of the night?" I asked, flooding him questions like 'Since when did this place exist?', 'Why did you bring me here', while he flipped the switches.

"Not here, dummy," he laughed, grabbing my hand.

My face seemed to burst into several shades of red as I followed him deeper into the flowery garden, only to find a big, luxurious room hidden behind the hedges.

The room had been bigger than mine had ever been, it'd consisted of everything- almost as if it were a house.

Except that- it was a house.

"Do you live here?" I asked, wandering around the place, taking in the beautiful scenery we could see from the windows of the pastel coloured roses.


For a moment, I'd been confused. Did I hear him right? Had we been trespassing into someone's home?

Would the person who owned the place tell Dad I was here? After all, I was wanted for a huge sum of money.

"But it's mine," he added.

A heaved a sigh if relief, dropping all the worry I'd built up.

"Don't scare me like that!" I whined, hitting him in the arm as he let out a cute chuckle.

  "Gosh, I'm worn out," Lucas stifled a yawn, throwing himself onto his sofa as he lay there, legs over one another.

  A soft smile escaped my lips as I found him starting to fall asleep, his innocent face and dark locks falling down to cover his eyes.

  Lucas's home had been a really big, cozy and homely place yet- of course, it would be lonely to live in a place like this all alone.

No wonder he doesn't spend time here.

Over on another side of the room had been a big bed, it hadn't been as fancy as the one I'd had in the palace, but it'd seemed comfy.

Even so, I felt bad leaving Lucas to sleep on the sofa in his own house- I was a guest, after all. So I sat down onto the floor beside the sofa he was sleeping on, and lay down.

The flooring had felt as fluffy as the fluffiest cotton wool I'd ever touched in my life. Sinking into the carpet, I'd already drifted off before I knew it.


"I didn't do it, Father! It wasn't me- I-I'm swearing this on my life!" A girl with beautiful platinum locks kneels before a throne, pleading for her life.

"Silence! You attempted murder on my daughter," A man sitting on the throne bellows with a voice raised by several decibels holds an expression filled with anger and despair, "you will be punished for that."

"No, father-"

"Do not call me your father. A filthy murderer as such will not be acknowledged as my child!" The cold-blooded man orders the guards to take the girl away, to get ready for execution.

The girl's tears fall like a pearl necklace snapping open- unstoppable.

"I don't want to die, please!" The girl continues to plead, but to no avail.

But as such, the man's loyal knight of crimson red had already slashed her throat, blood bursting out.


"N-No!" I jumped up, heart going faster by the minute as tears were rolling down my cheeks. Bringing my trembling hand to my face, I whispered, "I don't want to die..."

"Don't leave me, Daddy," the tears came rolling down faster and faster, increasing in quantity and before I knew it, I had been sobbing my eyes out. I really didn't want Dad to abandon me. I didn't want Jennette to meet him.

All my years of hard work- all gone. All my days of spending time with a family, all gone. I wouldn't have anything left.

It was excruciating- the pain was unbearable.

"Athy?" Lucas's coarse voice surprised me as he rubbed his eyes, sitting up from the sofa.

"What're doing on the floor?"

"I-I," I stuttered, beyond words. Nothing came out of my mouth but mouthing "Go back to sleep."

"Did you have a nightmare?" Lucas asked with a worried expression.



"No," I replied once again. I didn't want to bother him, after all I'd put him through. It was my problems to take care of.

"Okay then, come here," he said, patting onto the empty spot beside him. Lucas was calm, as if nothing had happened. I was always envious of that- being able to not worry about anything. And with him, I felt that all my worries would go away.

But for someone who'd been abandoned for a whole life before, I hadn't felt that before except when I was with him.

I stood up, still trying to wipe the tears and stop sniffing, and sat beside him, curious of to what he was going to do.

Lucas put his hand behind my head and gently brought it down to his shoulder as he looked to me and smiled, "Can you sleep now?" he asked.

I felt as if his words had melted into my heart, this warm, fuzzy feeling I felt couldn't stop. Touching my cheeks again, I'd realised I wasn't crying anymore.

  It was as if-

  Lucas was my cure. He was my medicine to despair- he was my happy pill.

  It was only then when I'd looked into his ruby-jewelled eyes I'd realised.

I'd been reflected in them all along.

  I like him.

  I liked my best friend.

  A smile crept up my mouth as I lay on his shoulder, finally being able to rest.

  As if he'd taken all my worries away, but that hadn't been out of usual, had it?


here's the second chapter of my first short story! i'm sorry it's a little shorter but i hope you enjoy it >~< hope you could leave a follow or a vote if you liked it <3

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