chptr 23: checking in

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Jasper was cradling his baby, little Jesse. He had floofy, bright pink magic flowing from his skull like hair, looking like a soft cloud, and Jasper loved it so much, it was just so soft.

Jesse looked up at his mother, cooing softly before Suave came into the room, smiling. He wrapped his arms around Jaspers waist, kissing him on the neck, "how are my boys doing?" He asked softly and Jasper chuckles "we are fine Suave...Jesse is a bit fussy though" he sighed, the lil one reaching his arms out to his father, wanting to be with him now, his deep grey bones complimenting the floofy magic for hair, to which Suave took him into his arms and kisses him delicately on the head.

"I'll take care of Jesse, you get some rest for now ok love? You look as though you haven't slept at all" Suave commented, noting the bags under Jaspers eyes. Jasper sighed softly and nods "you sure you have him under control? He can be troublesome after all" "I know love, though it is hard to say which of us he got this trait from, I can promise you that I know how to handle him, you get some rest" Suave pushes Jasper to the bed softly, to which Jasper reluctantly laid down, curling up in the soft blankets.

Suave sighs in relief, smiling down at Jesse, leaving the room so as to not disturb Jaspers sleep, "you sure are a've got mommy tired, and thats a first, considering he has more energy than me" he chuckled, holding his child close.

As he walks down the hall, he passes by Jinx's room, who was talking to her parents. The three of them sounded frustrated, especially after what Jinx asked next. "Mom...did you cheat on dad?". Both Encre and Fallacy were shocked at this question, "WHAT?!??!" They shouted in unison, Jinx recoiled, realising she had fucked up. "why would you think that sweetheart?" Encre asked, sitting next to her, gently stroking her skull to help calm her down.

"Well...I...I can stand the sunlight....doesn't that mean I'm half mortal?" Jinx asked "and...neither of you are would that be possible?". Fallacy sighs softly, getting tired of having to explain this....

One biology lesson later

"And so you see...thats how you constitute as a halfblood..." Fallacy  finished, wrapping an arm around her and Encre. Jinx was tryin to wrap her head around this, confused..... " still likely to be half mortal...since...she is resisting the venom used to turn her....yes?" She asked, making sure she heard correct. "Yes that is right" Fallacy confirmed, "and because of this....I have more red blood than black black blood is moving too slowly to eat the red blood, and it left my heart workimg normally...which means the rest of my heart is working fine..?" "Yeah that, pretty much sums it up", Encre said, looking concerned for her daughter.

"That...that makes sense....?" Jinx said questioned, rubbing the back of her neck as her mind basically shut down and turned to mush after thinking so much and so hard. "I...I need to take a walk..." she said, and her parents stood, "we'll come with y-" "no! No...please....I just...need to be alone.....", and with that, she stood up, opening the window, and jumping out, her body morphing into a cat as she twisted and turned her body unnaturally, before landing on her feet, and running off into the forest...

The two brothers were setting up camp, when Marvul stood from the tent, just finished pitching it. "I'm gonna go gather wood for a fire.....then I'll go and catch something so that way we have more to eat" he grumbled, straightening his cloak, the gold badge, shaped like a star, awarded to Koda for his bravery, but was given to him to remember Koda by, when he had left for the throne. He never understood why he kept it, but he had a feeling that it meant something....that perhaps their older brother did care for them at one point...

Did the power go to his head? Was he overwhelmed with the stress of responsibility to the throne? Or perhaps....he was just a total psycho....all good guesses, most unanswered....."alright brother, take care while wondering...we do not want to draw attention to ourselves, or get caught...." Halluciv said, handing Marvul his dagger and sheath. He took it, attaching it to his belt, and left..heading into the forest.

Jinx walked around, rubbing the back of her neck, sighing softly. She felt so silly for her behaviour earlier and hugged herself as she thought back to the conversation earlier, and just destroyed a tree as she scratched it and made a large mark in it. Thats when she heard a twig snap and she freaked out, looking towards the sound as her blood ran cold, getting goosebumps. She hissed in warning, as she spotted two bright golden eyes in the darkness, and saw what looked to be a glint of silver from the moonlight.....a dagger.

She took a step back, before sighing and walking towards the stranger "h..hello?" She called out softly.

In the bushes was Marvul. He stared at her in absolute amazement...she was..beautiful....a truly wonderul creature. He tilted his head as he slowly stepped out to get a better look at her...."hi" he responded and stepped out, and my my what a fine skeleton he was.....a well built, strong figure built for speed and strength in battle.....his eyes were this marvellous gold hue with specs of yellow and orange.

He slowly reached a gloved hand out to her, and she did so in return, flinching a little as he came forward until finally....their hands met.....he felt sparks fly in that moment and her heart began was...strange...

Thats when she saw the sun beginning to rise, and so fled, leaving a confused and astounded Marvul. She had lost track of time, and if she had known how late it was she would not have come out like this. She regretted her decision greatly. It may not have hurt before, but what if over time, she began to develop that same effect to sunlight? It didn't matter now, as she had made it home safe and sound.

Pleasure Of Kisses, Pain Of The Biteजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें