chptr 6:tossing and turning

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Ok so just really quick, I've slowly taken on the idea of sin for my books, but now I'm thinking of releasing a lemon chapter, let me know what you guys think, for now lets get to the story!

Noones P.O.V

Encre tossed and turned in her sleep, she was having the same dream again, and it was worse than before, she felt all hot and her heart was racing as the dream progressed, until she sat up and screamed out in fear. She was panting as cold sweat trickled down her face, and she was shakey.

She couldn't go back to sleep, so instead, she got up and went to the kitchen to make herself some tea, maybe that would help her sleep......maybe....either way, she wasn't going back to sleep right now, not after that. Quietly and quickly, she snuck down to the kitchen, having to stop and ask maids that took the morning hours while the lord slept for directions, before thanking them and walking away.

Not long did it take for her to find the kitchen, and once she did, she looked through cupboards looking for something like a nice chamomile tea, but had trouble. "Looking for something?" Encre jumped and gasped, turning around to see Fallacy standing in the doorway of the kitchen "oh scared me...yes...I'm sorry but...I'm just looking for some help me sleep..." he looked at her suspiciously before smiling and reaching up to the higher cabinets and grabbing out a box of chamomile tea bags. Of course they'd be somewhere high up, the only place she couldn't reach.

"Will this do?" He asked as he offered the box and she smiled tiredly "y...yes thank you...." she reached for the box but he pulled it away from her, out of reach once more before he asked: "why do ya need it? You seemed tired earlier, so why do ya need it now?" He was curious as to why she needed it now, and she looked down nervously. She really didn't wanna tell him, but it seemed she had too, so she leaned back against the bench and sighs, to which Fallacy grabs the kettle, fills it with water, and puts it on the stove to boil, and grabs 2 stools for them to sit on. "Alright....take your time here..." he said softly, he didn't want to make her uncomfortable.

She sighs again and sits down on one of the stools, and takes a deep breath "ok.....I needed the tea because....I had a nightmare.....or...a memory? I don't know what to call it exactly but it keeps happening....." "what was this dream about?" " start off a baby....I was the daughter of king Seymores artist, Comyet Le Avlon Amy......and well my dad...was Aaron Spark...the royal blacksmith" "what does this have to do with the dream?" "You'll understand...just listen...." she shakes her head and he was quiet again, listening eagerly.

"As a parents were well known throughout the village...we had a lot of mother was a beauty, wanted by all the men of my many tried to win her heart but...she took my dad....and well, even after they married, people still wanted my mother...this is relevant....even my father was adored....he was favoured by all the knights and guards, as well as hunters and it made it hard to understand why this even happened.....why anyone would do it..." "what was done?".

She bit her lip and was silent for a moment......then started again "one night....after the music father argued with someone, while my mother put me to bed thing I knew, there was a loud a shotgun firing.....then the door slammed shut and my father rushed up the stairs, he talked to mom in french, but I couldn't understand what he was was difficult to looked panicked and she hugged him....then they apologised wasn't to each was to someone's all groggy...I only remember small parts.....during the night, I remember waking up to the smell of smoke and I went downstairs to see if it was moms cooking again..... was a fire....someone thru a bottle of burning liquor in through a window, and it set the place ablaze, I screamed in fear and ran bak up to my room, so stupidly. I banged on the window, and the flames crawled after me up the steps, and lurked out my door, I screamed and I cried, hitting my fist against the window, I hoped someone would hear or see me, and I saw someone outside!....but"

She paused....she started to tear up "but what?" She took another deep breath "they didn't look...human....all I saw...were 2 glowing red and yellow eyes.....and a wide, sickening smirk upon their face....and they held another bottle of liquor, that had a cloth stuck inside....part of it hung from the bottle and...and they held a torch in the other hand....!...I screamed, I begged them not too, I screamed for help, but they threw it in the house again, I cried for my parents, I tried to get away! Then....then my father...he..he grabbed me...he grabbed me and he ran, he ran out of my room, keeping my face safely tucked away in his neck, and he rushed out of the house, I was crying, I called for my mother! I called out, and I cried for my father as he carried me! He got me out of the house and set me down, wrapping me in my mothers scarf which he used to keep himself from inhaling the smoke, and he used it to keep me warm, and he hugged me, but my mother screamed, she was in pain and fear, and he let me go, he said 'Encre, my little artist, stay here, I have to get your mother ok?' Then he ran in, I cried out to him, I told him not to go, I begged him not to do it, but he went in, and I saw my mother at her window, and she banged on the glass too, she tried to escape, and thats when my father appeared at the window too, then they both disappeared, I thought 'its' ok! They're gonna be ok! They'll escape and we'll be together again!' wrong I was...they were at the window again, and father tried to break it, part of the roof had collapsed in and blocked the door, I cried for them! And I didn't stop! And he hugged mom close....and they both looked at me, and had a hand on the glass.....then..." she stopped short again, and broke down completely.

Fallacy understood now.....her parents died when she was only a child....and it scared her so was haunting her, her whole life.....she was scarred..."oh....oh god...I'm..I'm so sorry that the dream you keep having? You keep seeing it happen?" She nods, tears streamed down her face, she looked to be in so much pain, her soul hurt deep down, and Fallacy regretted asking about the whole he hugged her, keepin her safe, trying to comfort her.

"It's ok....." he hushed her, she just sobbed uncontrollably into his shoulder, and not long in, the kettle whistled loudly, indicating it was ready, and he poured two cups of tea, one for him, and the other for her.

He hands her one cup, and sits back down, "t...thank you..." he nodded in acknowledgement, and sighs "I'm sorry I's clearly painful to I'm sorry to give you more pain.." "it's fine....I'm glad someone heard me out...I think...telling is gonna just hurts...." "and time will heal that for me...I know how it feels to lose someone I love...." tears welled up for him, and Encre had a hand on his cheek, wiping the tears away "don't cry....please...I don't like seeing you cry" she silently begged him, her eyes were filled with hurt already, and he didn't wanna make it worse, so he smiles and hugs her, then lets her finish her tea.

After a while, both began to yawn and Fallacy stood, putting his cup in the sink with Encre's. She was falling asleep, "alright...time for bed" he yawned and picked her up bridle style, and carried her to her room, setting her on her bed and went to leave, but she grabbed his wrist and he looked back, she had a look of shame on her face and she gulped "could...could you...stay with me....tonight please?" She looked so nervous and was blushing, Fallacy just smiles, nods, and gets into bed with her, pulling her close and cuddles her. "Goodnight Encre" Fallacy whispered, and Encre yawned once again "" she drifted off to sleep.....

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