chpt 13: the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

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Hello guys, so i know i just submitted a chapter already, but im in the mood to write! So here it is!i hope it answers your questions!

Umbra searched through the library, book after book, after book, but continued to find nothing. Suddenly the darkness was slashed in half as Apollo opened the door, light bleeding into the room and cutting the darkness apart.

Umbra turned away from the light, hissing as his eyes hurt from the sudden protrusion, after being in darkness for hours. "Brother?" Apollo called "what're you doing in the darkness? Come, it's time to eat" Apollo called softly, walking to his brother, but Umbra pulled away and growled "aren't you at all bothered about Encre...?.....Doesn't she seem familiar to you?" "Whatever do you mean?" Apollo asked innocently, his face now masked by confusion. "I's Encre...does she not look or seem at all familiar to you? Not even a little?" Umbra repeated his question, looking tired and as if he was surrounded by lies. "Well...I mean...yes, she does, kind of...but...why does it matter? Perhaps we've seen her at one of the blood moon balls in Asgore's castle?" "No! Nonono! That can't be the case! She's much too familiar for it to have been a case of 'seen you but never actually met you'!".

Umbra returned to his frantic searching, looking through book after book, until Apollo stopped him, and pulled him into a hug. "Brother...stop.....its ok...era 0 is over...the Helsings are gone...Danté killed the last of them 16 years ago setting their house on fire...." Apollo tried to comfort his brother, softly rubbing his back to soothe him a little.

" did you know...?....What I was thinking.." "I know you well brother....but you can't hang onto the past....remember, the Helsings may have been what caused you to become Ma....him.....but they're gone now...and even if Encre somehow holds some resemblance or relevance to them, I doubt shes a threat, else she would've done something before you really think a Helsing, or even a friend or distant relative to a Helsing would marry and bare the child of a vampire?" "" Umbra sighed as he listened to his brothers words. "Exactly my point....come now.....dinner is being served ok?". Apollo took his brother by the hand, only for it to slip loose from the grasp.

"I'll be down soon...let me clean up the books I've left lying around..." Umbra smiled, kneeling down to pick up books he'd dropped, and Apollo tried to help, but was turned away by Umbra. "I promise you...I'll be down go.....I just need to calm down and regain myself..." he reassured Apollo, smiling tiredly, and Apollo nods, sighing softly, before standing and leaving, the door left ajar as a slim crack of light left a temporary scar between the shadows.

Umbra stood, putting books away, only for one to jump out of it place on a higher shelf, just above him, and attack him from above, hitting him on the head, scaring him for a moment as he looked around frantically, before seeing the oddly designed book. He sighs. "I really am losing it...Apollo's right...I need to let this whole thing go, its not Encre's fault I'm like this, and besides, what are the chances of her being a..." as he knelt down to grab the book that so rudely attacked him, he stopped and saw the title.

'Helsing history: the complete timeline of the recorded Helsing bloodline'.

He couldn't believe it....

No! Nononono! stop it Umbra! He thought to himself, about to put the book back...but hesitated. He promised Apollo he'd stop but....he had the book now, so might as well check just to be on the safe side.

He tucked the book away into his cloak, and finished cleaning up the rest of the books, before rushing down the stairs towards the dining room to join everyone else.

Apollo waited patiently for his brother, worried he'd gone back to reading to prove something, only to be proven wrong as Umbra sat right next to him. "There you are, we were starting to believe you'd been eaten by a book" Encre joked and Umbra chuckles in response, "for a moment, I also believed I was being eaten by books....but luckily my brother brought me back" Umbra sighed as he rubbed Apollo's head, Apollo blushing softly as he looked down with a small smile.

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