chptr 5:y u so beautiful?

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Hey all you cool cats, it's Delilah109 comin at you live once again, sorry for the delay, I hit a blank, even after the idea for this chapter was decided, I wasn't sure how to write it. Anyway, this chapter was suggested by Alessandra736-73, Al sorry this took so long, but here it is, I hope you enjoy it. As always, if you guys like this, let me know of any ideas you have for the next chapter in the comments below, lets get into it!

Noones P.O.V

after all that, Fallacy didn't take too kindly to Encre's little game of words, he had no idea what she was saying before and he didn't like it. So he just left the room, and locked the door, leaving Encre on her own.....she was beautiful and all but such a nuisance.

Along the way, he met with Jasper in the hallway, who was talking to Suave, upon seeing his father, he dismissed Suave "hello father, how are you tonight?" He was very formal, like his father, his voice had a slight british accent to it, but he was quite rushed with his words generally. Like his father, Jasper was quite a looker, especially to other ladies, but Jasper do you say this? He was only ever into Suave, but he always kept quiet about it, as he was ashamed by it and always thought that if his father knew, he might disown him.

That aside, they were so very alike either way. "Evening Jasper...I'm fine..yourself?" "I'm good thank maids tell me you brought a woman home from the to explain this?" Jasper was like a loaded pistol, he was mysterious and unpredictable, and could shoot at any moment, so this question was so sudden and it caught Fallacy off guard, he hadn't expected that the maids would give him away like that. "....yes...I have brought a mortal home..but it doesn't mat-"

"Is that her?" Jasper pointed behind Fallacy and he turned to see what his son pointed at. It was Encre, she had come out of the room and looked around the hallway, marvuling all the beautiful artwork hung on the walls "yes..thats her" "I'm gonna go talk to her" "J-Jasper wa-" Jasper simply walked past his father and smiled, walking toward Encre. "Hello there miss" he squeaked out, smiling happily, his voice was friendly and soft, a very welcoming sound that could make you feel better about a bad day. Encre turned to him and smiles, he had to admit, this woman was quite the looker to him, and he blushed seeing that smile.

"Hello there young one, what brings you around this late hour?" She spoke softly, her voice like a bell ringing ever so softly. "" The poor boy was nervous now, he never experienced such a thing before and he didn't like it, but he figured that if she could make him feel this way, perhaps she was ok. Encre just giggled and pet his skull "such a cute one you are" now if I may specify this, Jasper is actually 16, in vampire years, he was 116, but hey, whos counting? Me apparently.....

Anyway! Jasper blushed and whines "I'm not cute! You're cute!" He was so frustrated, he didn't like being called cute, but as soon as he said that, he heard his father clear his throat, annoyed.

Jasper grinned.

"Me? oh no, I'm nowhere near cute, not even pretty in the slightest" Encre smiled and shook her head. Jasper held her hand and returned a more friendly smile that said mischief all over again "oh but you are! You're adorable, and you're not pretty, you're goregous! If you don't mind me asking, what is your name?" Encre just blushed madly and shook her head again "o-oh, well names Encre...and thank you for that, I admire your words, but I'm going to have to say they arent true..." she tried to leave it at that, seeing Fallacy standing behind Jasper, but the prince only continued with his comments to the poor maiden. "And why do you say that Encre? You are clearly so ignorant to your beauty, but yet you see and capture the beauty so perfectly well in a portrait or art work of your own....forgive my suddenness, I am Jasper" he purred and grinned.

Fallacy grew more and more annoyed by his own son as he continued to woo the lady he had brought home, and even worse, Encre was allowing it! She was admiring it, he couldn't believe it! His own son was flirting with her. To add insult to injury, Jasper took Encres' hand, and kissed the top of it delicately, Fallacy had enough. He walked to his son, Jasper felt his fathers approach, he felt his eyes burning into the back of his head "sorry but I must be going now, lovely to meet you miss Encre!" And with that, he turned to a bat and flees, and right at that moment Fallacy bumps into Encre, causing them both to fall over, the maids all gasped.

The lord had fallen on top of the poor woman and she blushes madly, as he did so as well " ther-" "oh my god get off me!!!!"she shouted, she was so flustered and embarrassed, he quickly got off her "I-I'm so sorry Encre! I didn't mean to do that! I was trying to get my son Jasper!""your son? That was your son?" She asked as she stood, dusting herself off "you know what? Nevermind....I'm going to walk away right now and find something to do elsewhere, not another word of this" she growled and walked away, Fallacy felt horrible inside....he really didn't mean to fall on her like that, now it seemed like he had a thing going for Encre. Even though he did.

He cursed himself and growled, retreating to the library to read and calm himself.

He stayed there for a few hours until he grew tired, as the sun was beginning to rise outside, it was time to rest and go to bed, so he stood and walked towards his room, leaving his book on the chair he'd seated himself in. He walked by Jaspers room, then Encres' room, he stopped....he thought about it for a moment.....should he try to apologise? Should he even knock? He took a deep breath, and knocked on the door, to which Encre answered and looked at him unpleasantly "...can I help you?" She huffed.

"Y-yes...well no...I-I mean-" "just get to the point please" she growled and he cleared his thoat "r-right! Forgive just wanted to say...I'm sorry about earlier.....I didn't mean to come off that way, I was actually trying to reach for my son but he got away at the last moment..." Encre just stared at him, and smiles "its fine Fallacy....just be more careful next time ok?" "Understood..." he was awkwardly silent now.....Encre shifted uncomfortably.....

"I-I'm just gonna-" "yeah, same here-" "goodnight" Fallacy waves goodbye, and as he walked away, he cursed himself, face palming akwardly "dammit Fallacy! You just made it even worse! Nice goin!" He said to himself, annoyed with himself even more than before. He quickly retreated to his room, butterflies flittered around in his stomach, he got ready for bed, changing into some pyjammas, and looked at a painting on the wall he'd covered up using a sheet....he felt pain in his heart again...turning away from it and sighs as he got into bed "oh Cali...I smiss you so much....." he whimpered to himself, the thought of Cali just hurt him even more, and her last words lingered in his head as he drifted off to sleep.....

Here it is!its finally done! As i said before, i hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, it was suggested by Alessandra736-73, so be sure to check their page out, ill catch all you cool kitties in the next chaoter, goodbyyyee!

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