chptr 29: back to the main stars

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Encre was helping her lover to clean up after the party. They both looked quite....annoyed...

Encre sighs softly. She was....annoyed. " you...." "agitated as well? Yes." He said, looking to his lover, a soft smile on his face, though it wasn't a happy smile. It was nervous...annoyed.
Encre sighs softly as she put a broom aside, turning to her lover, "why don't we take a stroll out in the garden?" She offered, her hand out-stretched towards Fallacy as he puts his own broom aside and takes her small hand in his larger one, nodding with a soft smile "that sounds wonderful my dear".

And with that, the two wonder off, exiting the castle and out to the garden. Encre sighs as she looks around, petals fluttering in the breeze. "Love, we are still to make a treaty with Toriel and her son Asriel" she reminded him, to which Fallacy groans "I realise my dear...but for can wait...right now I want a moment with my beautiful.....and to honour me, by joining me for a glass of wine~?" Fallacy purred softly in her ear, to which Encre nods and takes his hand, joining him to the library, where there was a lovely fireplace, with soft cushions and pillows....

They took a seat, a bottle of red wine in Fallacies hand, and Encre holding the glasses, handing one to her husband. The liquid trickled loudly as it was poured into the first glass. Upon handing it to Encre she shuddered softly as it was cold in her hand, and as she took a sip, she let out a satisfied sigh.

Fallacy smiled softly as he was handed the second glass, pouring himself a nice glass of the blood-like liquid, before setting the bottle aside and taking a sip himself. The two enjoyed the new found silence in this moment for two. Encre sighed softly, looking to the flames as they flickered and crackled. The orange glow warm and intense. She scooted closer to her husband, leaning against him, her back against his chest, and Fallacy wraps an arm around her waist, planting a few delicate kisses on her neck, making her shiver with delight.

Encre smiled and sighed again "dear....I have something to tell you" Encre suddenly spoke, setting her glass of wine aside and averting her eyes to the ceiling. Fallacy gave her a worried glance as he too set his wine down "is something wrong my love? Tell me what troubles your mind" he purred in her ear, delicately kissing up and down her neck, as Encre thought of how to say this. "Well its just see I have this thing on and...." "mmmm...?" Fallacy hummed curiously, tenderly licking at her neck causing her to gasp, before biting down.

"I'm pregnant" she said and Fallacy froze, removing his fangs from her neck as he looked at her, turning her around so she was facing him properly "come again...?" He asked, unsure if he heard her right. "I'm pregnant " she repeated, looking quite anxious, before being pulled into a loving hug, and her face being smothered with kisses. Surprised, Encre hugged back, before Fallacy picked her up and stood, spinning around, causing Encre to squeal in surprise "Fallacy! Haha put me down! You're start the morning sickness early!" She shouted, giggling as her husband now held her bridle style, smothering her with kisses, love and attention. "This is wonderful news!" Fallacy exclaimed, looking happy and proud!

Encre was happy to know he was excited, fear draining away as quickly as it came as the room was filled with love and pressure of anxiety was pushed out. "How far in are you?" He asked softly, his eyes glinting with curiosity as Encre smiled "only two weeks, but they're doing well" she answered, looking proud of herself. Fallacy smiled and set her down continuing to cuddle and adore her like the angel she was.

Im so sorry for the long wait, i know it is a bit short, but i wanted to post something and ease the pressure a bit. I realise its been a while and updates are taking longer and longer, im about to go into HSC, so it will be taking up a lot of my time. Anyway i hope you enjoy this update.

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