chptr 21:running in circles

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This chapter was requested by ShaeleeJacobsen, shae, i hope you enjoy the chapter. I had fun making this one.

Jinx sat in her room, bored out of her mind. Looking outside her window, the sun was beginning to rise, the beautiful red hue turning the once black sky into a rose red, slowly shifting to orange. "Shit" Jinx whispered, it was too late to close the blinds and she retreated to a dark corner to escape the slow stalking light. She tried to keep away from it, but the burning grasp reached closer to her.

When it finally got to her, she curled up, expecting the pain and to turn to dust...but she didn't....she was fine....she opened her eyes, and unscrunched her face, looking on in terror as she had lived what she assumed would have killed her upon contact....

This...this had to be wrong! She was a vampire! Sunlight kills vampires!....Her mother...was she unfaithful? Jinx shook her head, denying these thoughts and pushing them back out as soon as they barged their way in. Jinx needed to get out of that room, she needed to be sure she wasn't dreaming and decided maybe a cup of fresh blood would help ease her mind....quietly, she opened her bedroom door, not meant to be leaving her room as per her parents words...but she couldn't stay in there much longer...

Thoughts and questions raced through her mind, clouding her train of thought as she rushed to process each one and try and come up with a reasonable explanation, but this quickly failed as she was overrun by these thoughts. She felt tired and sluggish, and betrayed....her parents were hiding something from her.....they were being overprotective, they're always so nervous around visitors when introducing her, and now she finds out she was immune to burning, stinging kiss of the sun?!?! Her mother must've been unfaithful!

Did her father know and thats why he was acting the way he was?....Did...did he not see his child?...this idea broke Jinx's heart as tears welled up in her sockets. She went to the basement where they kept their kills and prisoners, taking a serated knife and a bowl with her. She was so angry, she normally hesitated when doing this but...not at that moment. She was so angry! And upset! And frustrated! That she stabbed that knife into her victims throat, the knife cutting into the skin and muscle, as there was a sickening crunch sound, as metal met bone, before the blood sprayed out at her, coating her dress and face, as some dripped into the bowl.

She left the knife there, lodged in their throat, and took the bowl up, sipping from it Every now and then. She felt disgusted, and sick, her stomach churning inside her despite the lacking of organs due to her being of a pile of bones.

She made her way to the ball room, placing the bowl on the table, humming softly. Mirrors lined the walls of the ballroom, and decorative relfective tiling mosaqued the ceiling, creating smaller reflections of herself.

Encre and Fallacy were walking around, checking to make sure the castle was locked up tight, and that there were no gaps where the sun could crawl in. Thats when they saw it....the thing they dreaded....sunlight seeping under the crack of Jinx's doorway, trying to claw its way out via under the door. Encre feared their daughter had dusted, but Fallacy knew. The feeling of dread crept up his spine, giving him goosegumps as he shuddered the horrible feeling away.

Fallacy began walking around, searching for his daughter, while Encre went to get Suave so he may check the room for her, or what may have remained of her. Fallacy fled for the art room, she was not there, he searched the library, she was not hiding there either. He searched high and low until he was accompanied by Encre once again. "She's not in her bedroom, Suave just checked" "I know, she would have fled her room in fear, or, the sun light reached her and shes running about confused". "But what is there to be confused about?" "How about the fact that she doesn't know what she is?! She was young when we talked about it, she wouldn't have understood! She doesn't know what she is and if shes found out, she would be questioning herself" Fallacy sighed. Encre nodded, understanding and they continued to search the dark halls of the castle....until they heard the soft rhythm of the piano's keys being struck softly...

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