chptr 25: secret romance?

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Hello everyone, tis I, Delilah109 again. This chapter is special as it will be longer than my others. I am aiming for a word count of 6000, but willbe happy if I make it to 4000. I am almost to 10K views on this book, so this chapter is going to celebrate this occassion. Can you help me reach the goal of 10K? If we reach it, I shall do a preview of the wedding scene for Jinx and her suitor. Anyway, do enjoy.

Marvul sat alone in the forest, his lil bro sleeping back at camp. He couldn't help but think of Jinx, her beautiful eyes pierced his conscious as she wondered through his mind, making him feel weak, his heart was thumping and it hurt his chest. Why did he feel such a way? Why was this affecting him so? She was his target! He shouldn't be feeling such things for her!

He growled softly, standing from his seat and began to walk away, heading towards the castle. Perhaps he should see what she was up to....of course..! It was just to scope the scene and double check for weak points in security, and make sure he had her schedules least..thats what he told himself.

Umbra was seated on the roof, reading. He was unable to return home yet, due to the fluctuation of hunters dispersed throughout the forest, and so was staying just to be safe. He was reading, minding his own business...when he noticed Marvul....

Ready to raise the alarm, he haulted, hiding behind a chimney which billowed with smoke, a fire lit down in the dark in a room the chimney was connected to. He watched carefully, making sure of Marvuls intent, unsure if he was just a scout or perhaps a traveller.

Marvul stood at the base of a windowless wall, except for a balcony a few stories up, light shining out indicating someone was up and doing something within the room. He gripped onto a thick vine, of which grew from multiple smaller and thicker vines up the wall, flowers wilting from the now swamp green plants. He began to ascend, gripping onto a vine each time and lifting himself slowly, before almost slipping and falling. He gripped the vines tight, sweating nervously as he noticed how much of a drop he now had. He was three stories up, and so would surely sustain an injury if he fell.

He continued to climb, mind set on his goal, unaware of Umbra spying on him. Why Umbra had not yet acted was beyond him, but he must've felt something within that gave Umbra no need to worry. Marvul gave no hints or idea's that he had any malicious intent. But he knew now whose room Marvul was going was Jinx' room. Still unsure, but knowing there was no real danger, he continued to watch Marvul intently.

Marvul gripped the edge of the balcony...when he heard the sweetest, most beautiful tune of a womans voice. Jinx' voice as she sang to herself.

"Two...birds...on a wiiiirre. One, tries to fly...awaayyyy" Jinx sang, drawing in her sketchbook, sitting at her desk/dresser. "And the oother, watches him close from that wiirrre...he says he wants to as well, but hes a liiiiiar".

Marvul stopped, listening closely, before hoisting himself up quietly, perched on the edge of the balcony, admiring her voice. "I'll believe it all. Theres nothing I won't understand" she put her pencil down, and looks at her reflection, then notices Marvul, she gasps and looks back at him, grabbing out her dagger, gifted to her by her brother and steps back "who are you? Why are you watching me?" She growled.

Marvul, realising he was caught, sighed as he slowly got off the railing of the balcony, and stepped onto the stone floor of the balcony itself, hands up in surrender, "I'm very sorry, I'm not here to harm you, I assure you" he said, trying to seem as harmless as possible. Jinx stared at him, before she recognised those bright yellow eyes, her eyes widening as she lowered her weapon, "" she said "from the forest the other day....what're you doing here?" She whispered, worried she was mistaking him for another. "um...I-I'm sorry, I shouldn't be here but...I had to see you left in such a rush, I didn't get to introduce myself...".

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