chptr 31: hello daddy prt 2

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Hey all you cool cats, its ya girl Delilah109 once again with a newest chapter. This chapter is a special chapter, as it will be a longer, more thought out chapter. Possibly the longest chapter in this book, but we shall see. I aim for 5000 words at best, but if not then at least 2500. Anyway, this chapter was suggested by many people, and because of the detail and thought I want to put into it, it will have taken longer, so I'm sorry for the wait you have all endured. Anyway, enjoy my cool kitties and I'll see you all in the next chapter!

After a long hour of arguing, Encre shut Fallacy down, with one single sentence: "do you trust me, or not?" She asked rather harshly, her eyes blood red, shaping to targets, indicating her fury and determination to end this argument. Fallacy was taken aback by this sudden burst of confidence, growling as he stared at his wife for a moment, before withdrawing from the argument and yielding to her "I trust you" he growled, sparking a glare and hiss from her as she planted her hands firm on her hips. "If we are to have this baby, we need to work together, and get this tready out of the way, then deal with your father....understood?" "Understood" Fallacy repeated the word back to her, distain leaking from his tongue.

Encre sighs, walking away from him. She was tired, sore, and not in the mood for his childish antics. Jinx stood on guard, not letting her tough act drop for even a second as she glanced around the room nervously. She could feel that something wasn't quite though something...or someone, was watching them. "Dad, let mom handle this. I think she knows what shes doing", Jinx stated, still looking quite nervous, being very careful of what she said and how she said it. Fallacy noticed her attitude, then noticed the same feeling as though they were being watched.

Marvul noticed a figure, peering out from behind a pillar and growls, clearing his throat, as his eyes darted back and forth between Jinx and the pillar. Jinx, without moving her head, followed his gaze, only to see the figure watching them and growls. "Gotcha" she hissed, before turning to a cat, running towards the figure. The stranger, startled by a large, black cat, barreling after him, gets up and runs for it, giving himself away to everyone else. "STOP THAT SPY!!!" Fallacy shouted, Marvul, going after Jinx and the stranger.

Jinx roared in anger as she hunted whoever this was, down, picking up speed as she ran after him, before running up the side of the wall and using it as leverage and pouncing off it, and onto the stranger. Their hood came down, revealing the young Halluciv, who began to cry out of fear for Marvul. Marvul ran in, and of course recognised his brothers cries, pulling Jinx off of him, "Halluciv! Oh my god are you ok?!?" He panicked, hugging his brother tight, scared out of his mind that Jinx may have actually, accidentally hurt him. Halluciv hugged back, shakey and scared out of his mind, but the feeling of his brothers arms wrapped around him was comforting, calming him down quickly.

"You know him Marvul?" Jinx asked, confused as to why Marvul would hug someone that was spying on them. "Yes, he's my brother" Marvul stated, looking a little annoyed with his lover, before softening his expression and tone, how would she have known it was his brother? And besides, he couldn't stay mad at her, even for five seconds.

Meanwhile, Encre made her way downstairs to the dungeon, wanting to question their uninvited 'guest'. Fallacy did not trust his father, even slightly, and so followed his wife down, an arm snaked around her waist, ready to pull her to a safe distance out of harms way. Specifically, the psycopath they had locked away. But little did Fallacy know of the Blazing fox strapped to Encre's leg in a clip on holster, locked and loaded to kill the man where he stood if he stepped even a toe out of line. The cold smooth metal slowly meeting the temperature of her bones, sending shivers up her spine ever so slightly.

The softest of chuckles emerged from the dark, like a snake slithering up from its borrow in the heat of the day, ready to hunt. The chuckle turned to snickering, and the snickering turned to full blown maniacal laughter as the couple approached the heavily guarded and reinforced cell. The bars and chains practically dripped with the poisonous herb known as fang root. Luckily Encre was immune to the effects of the ill-intented plant, and all guards nearby, as well as Fallacy, carried the cure for it. Angel fern, a beautiful, soft white coloured flower with bright pink, fern like leaves attached to it, hence the name, angel fern. The petals were soft, delicate, and felt like a fluffy cloud. It only grew in the cold mountain tops of Fellburg, which was full of thieves, assassins, etc. The fragrance of the flower was sweet, to human and vampire, battling the sour, odourous nature of the fang root.

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