chptr 20: all grown up

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Encre sat with Jinx, humming a gentle tune as she rocked back and forth softly in a rocking chair. The curtains were open, exposing the sight of the stars, as they glistened and twinkled in the night sky, the moon was full. Encre sighed softly as Jinx suddenly became fussy, demanding her mothers attention, whining loudly before gnawing cutely on Encre's fingers, that it was then she gained Encre's attention. "Oh, I'm sorry hunny, are you hungry?" She asked softly and the bab placed both of her tiny hands upon her mothers face.

Encre smiled as she placed a gentle kiss on her daughters head, "oh I want to play don't you? Alright then" she places Jinx on the ground, and turns into the cutest, most fluffy little bat ever! "Ready? Ready?" Encre urged as she raised her wings and Jinx clapped, excited. "Wheres mommy?" She asked as she hid in her wings and Jinx looked around as though her mother just suddenly disappeared and was replaced by a lump of leather, only for her little face to pop up in a game of peek-a-boo. "Peek-a-boo!" Encre said and Jinx clapped her little hands, laughing so cutely.

Encre hid behind her wings again, as Jinx looked worried, looking to see where dear mommy went, only for her to appear again from behind her wings, "peek-a-boo!" Encre exclaimed and Jinx burst into a fit of baby laughter, clapping her tiny hands together before Encre covered her face again. But this time...something was different....."mommy? Where'd you go?" A little voice called and Encre froze as she peaked from her wings and saw...


She was a toddler! Not even that! A full blown child! Jinx saw her peaking and giggles "there you are mommy! I found you!" Jinx clapped and Encre screams in terror as she runs off "FALLACY!!!!!" Encre screamed before running into her husband, her words tripping over themselves as she failed to form anything close to English. "Whoa whoa whoa! Encre slow down, I cannot make sense of anything you are saying!" Fallacy said as he placed both hands on her shoulders, to which he was promptly dragged back to Jinx's room, to the worried child. Encre peeks into the room, and points a shakey finger at Jinx, as Fallacy stares in surprise at what he is seeing.

He saw now why Encre panicked and walked up to Jinx, picking her up and looking her over. "Oh my goodness" he whispered softly, to which Jinx places a hand on his nose, and squeaks "boop daddy" with a cute little giggle. Fallacies eyes widen as he had stars in his eyes, holding his little girl close, looking ready to cry. What he didn't understand was, why was she.....bigger? And older?

"How can this happen?" Encre asks softly, walking into the room and staring at Jinx as if she had grown a second head. Jinx reached her little arms out to her mother, giggling, and Encre took her into her loving arms, before the child covered her eyes, and uncovered them, resuming the game of peek-a-boo. Encre smiles and puts her down, turning back into a bat, and covering her little batty face, before popping from behind her wings and squeaking, "peek-a-boo!", Jinx burst into a fit of laughter once again, clapping her hands. "I'm not sure" Fallacy said, sitting cross-legged and picking Jinx up, before setting her onto his lap. Jinx did not like the fact that daddy dearest disturbed her game of peek-a-boo and so began nawing on his thumb, her little fangs too small to pierce him or cause any bleeding.

"Could it have something to do with stacked genes?" Encre asked, but even then it just didn't make sense, "that cannot be were not mortal when you concieved're still not quite full vampire yet.." "is that even possible?" Encre asked, tilting her head as she returned to her normal state and sat next to him. "I mean...I don't know I....I don't might be, if you had some form of resistance to the venom and its still struggling to kill off all red blood cells..." "what do you mean by 'kill off all red blood cells?'" Encre asked and Fallacy thought carefully on how to word his answer.

"Vampire very similar to bee and snake venom....meaning, even if a vampire is trying to turn you, you can have an allergic reaction to the venom...its like snake venom also though, because it shuts down your entire system, and basically kills you.....when it does kill you though, it turns your white blood cells, into something called black blood, or black cells" "hold up hold up hold up" Encre interrupted. "What do you mean by cells? Blood is just a liquid isn't it?" "Well technically its a fluid, but yes, but it is comprised of smaller cells that not only give it its colour but its name...theres just so many of them that they practically make a liquid, along with the water that makes up a persons body" "but....that doesn't make sense! How can our blood be made up of tiny particles?! And what are white blood cells?" (Remember, this is in a time period where none of the mentioned information in both the biology lesson and here is known yet, due to the lack of microscopes, which were not invented in this time) "Well its not just blood, its our whole bodies. White blood cells guards...they fight off foreign bacteria that don't belong in the body and that could possibly make us sick." Fallacy explained. All this information was beginning to hurt Encres head.

Pleasure Of Kisses, Pain Of The BiteOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora