chptr 30: hello daddy

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Encre and Fallacy were enjoying their time together, celebrating their new found pregnancy...until Suave came in. He looked distraught and uncomfortable, squeaking out a "l-lord Fallacy?...". Fallacy was a jolly fellow at the time from the wine, smiling at his butler, "why so glum Suave? You should be happy! T'is a momentous occassion tonight!" He spoke merrily as he took another mouthful of wine.

"Sir now is no time for rejoice!!!" Suave said in a panic. This caught Fallacies attention,turning him serious for a moment as he listened. "It's your father sir......he is here" Suave said, quite shaky. "And he wants to see you".

Fallacy, upon hearing of his fathers arrival, became wide eyed and mortified, his blood ran cold and his heart sank into his stomach. He got up, straightening himself up "Encre...stay here, and don't let Jinx from her room." He said, before rushing out of the library, leaving a very confused Encre.

Seconds ticked by, slowly turning to minutes as she became very uncomfortable. Downstairs, after about 10 minutes or so, a screaming match started, as Fallacy was clearly enraged. Encre became frightened, worried for her husbands safety, and so got up quickly, rushing down the hallway and to the stairs where she heard more clearly what they were saying. "HOW DARE YOU COME CRAWLING BACK TO MY HOME! AFTER I BANISHED YOU!!" "FALLACY I AM YOUR FATHER!!!! I HAVE EVERY RIGHT TO BE HERE!!!" The man, who she presumed to be his father, shouted.

"THIS IS NOT YOUR HOME ANYMORE, AND I AM NOT YOUR SON!!!" Fallacy screeched, as Encre got to the bottom of the stairs, only to watch as this other skeleton suddenly punched Fallacy in the gut, kicking him in the shin, and throwing him to a wall. He was very similar to Fallacy. Dark grey bones, red and blue gradient streaks run down his face, his eyes a deadly, bloody shade of red, and he wore a suit of white and black.

He towered over Fallacy, who leaned weakly against the wall. "Don't you dare. Speak to me that way." The man growled, his voice harsh and gruff. He raised his hand to swing at Fallacy, and his fist connected with a loud 'SLAP!'. But it was not with Fallacy. Encre had jumped in the way last second, and took the hit. The man froze up and stared down at the smaller petit woman, a face he recognised, and sent his blood cold. "H-helsing..." he muttered under his breath, somewhat scared at first, before it turned to rage. "YOU SHOULD BE DEAD!!!!" He screeched, about to take another hit on her, only for Encre to catch his fist.

She was PISSED with this man, who once towered over her husband and made him feel so scared, to the point he couldn't fight. She could see the fear in her husbands eyes as old memories flooded back into his mind. Memories he never wanted to see or remember again. Memories that just destroyed his mental stability. To say Encre was enraged would be an understatement. She shoves the man back, growling and hissing at him, a warning to keep away. Though something about him gave her a sense of deja feeling of dread, even though she couldnt quite figure out why.

"KEEP AWAY FROM MY HUSBAND!!!" She hissed, arms up in defense, ready for a fight. The man growled as he stood his ground "oh, I'm gonna make sure you both suffer slowly. And. Painfully." He spat, running at her  fist raised. She swiftly dodged, leaning back as tho she were to do limbo, then twists her body and gets on her hands, sweep kicking him off his feet, twisting her body like a cat as she spun around, one hand supporting her as she kicked him in the face, sending him backwards as she backflipped away from him, groaning in slight discomfort as she put a hand over the little soul inside her.

She unclips the skirt, revealing it to be a uniform or like a fight suit underneath, tossing the fabric aside, before getting back into a fighting stance. He wiped his nose clean of the blood that spilled from the hit, hissing at her. Before he could get at her again, Jinx came flying down the staircase, and basically glides across the floor in a fly kick, hitting him in the side, a loud sickening snap is she broke two of his ribs, performing a cartwheel which turned to three backflips, sticking the landing perfectly.

All the staff had come down to help, Fibi throwing a rotten tomato at the man, and Suave. Oh Suave did not look happy. His eyes were smoking up, glowing a beautiful, but dangerous shade of pink, "I suggest you leave sir Danté, you are not welcome here" he growled. Danté, seeing he was outnumbered, raised his hands in surrender, before the guards escort him to the door, "Wait!" Encre called, looking curious. "Throw him into the dungeon...I want to interrogate him, and punish him for attacking us..." she commanded, the guards nodding as they dragged the man down to the dungeons.

Encre was quick to help Fallacy up, checking him over to make sure he wasn't injured. At worst, he had a few bruises, but nothing serious. She sighs in relief "Fallacy baby, are you ok?", she asked softly, to which he nodded, before becoming rather angry with her, "I thought I told you to stay put. And you come downstairs and put yourself at risk!" He growled, pulling Encre into a tight hug. "I know...I'm sorry but...I couldn't risk him hurting you, or worse!" "But what about our unborn child?!" Fallacy shouted, a worried look in his eye.

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