chptr 7

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Throughout the night, Encre slept peacefully in Fallacies arms, a dreamless, peaceful sleep. Such only got better in the morning too, as her eyes softly fluttered open, looking around curiously. Her room, as expected, then she looked at the sleeping Fallacy, he was still by her side, as he promised he would be.

She couldn't help but smile to herself, she felt happy, and deep down, butterflies emerged in her stomach as she stared at him.

Fallacy stirred and she, being a sneaky fox, closed her eyes, playing it off as her still being asleep. Fallacy slowly but surely opened his eyes, yawning softly, before gazing upon the 'sleeping' beauty. A smile played upon his lips as he gently stroked her skull, holding her closer to his body to keep her warm.

She, in turn, began to stir, pretending to only just awaken, her eyes fluttered open, revealing those beautiful mismatched eyes Fallacy loved so much. He could never get over such a unique design in a person, he adored everything about her, her smile, her eyes, her laugh, everything. To him her smile lit up the world oh so bright, so much so, the sun would grow jealous as it could not compare. Her eyes were as blue as the ocean, and that yellow in her left eye was like a sunflower, freshly bloomed on a spring day, and her voice was like a bells, so pure and beautiful.

"Good morning" she spoke softly, in a happy, tired tone. Fallacy returned her greet with a smile and said "good morning was your sleep?" "Better than ever..." she muttered and sighed.

He wished he could stay with her like that forever, but like all good things, it had to end, and so he got up and stretched, until he heard a satisfying pop sound, then stood.

Suave came in with breakfast on a tray for Encre, unsure if she would want to join everyone at the table or not, only to stop, seeing Fallacy in the room with her. "Oh! Good morning m'lord, good morning miss Encre, how was sleep?" "It was...peaceful I guess....breakfast for Encre I take it?" "Yes sir, I wasn't sure if she'd join you and Jasper or not, so I brought up a tray for her" he said happily as he brought the tray to the bed side stand, to which Encre sat up and smiled, "thank you Suave", and he bowed his head in respect, before leaving to go and wake Jasper.

Fallacy smiled warmly and said, "I must go and change, feel free to come down when you're ready ok?" "Alright...thank you" and he was gone, heading for his room so as to change his clothes.

Time skip brought to you by......asgore the clown

It had been weeks since Encre came to Fallacies castle, she had settled in nicely, and had even taken on the position as the royal artist, for Fallacy this time, and lined the walls with new, beautiful paintings of different medias, watercolours, oil colours, acrylics, etc. Fallacy loved her art style, it was beautiful and unique, and it made the place seem so much more lively.

Warning, sin ahead

Encre wandered the halls, looking over the old and new paintings, planning out her newest piece, when she came across the spa like bathroom. The doors were wooden, but had gold vines incrested onto it, and she wandered in, and my goodness, it was huge! The bath was basically a pool, very big, but the place was steamy from the hot water. 2 taps at the other end of the bath, one was gold, water dripped from it, creating a small 'drip' sound, which echoed throughout the quiet room, she had a bathroom of her own so she never knew of this one, never needing to use it, the other tap was silver, and rusted slightly, with what looked to be drops of....blood? Softly trickling down, one. Drop. At a time......

'A blood bath' she thought to herself and shuddered....her neck ached and her arms sore, her back stiff from sitting straight all day....perhaps...a little spa-day might be nice. She looked around outside nervously, then went in, shutting the door, but not locking it. The place smelled of roses and freezia, petals floated on the waters surface, and the tialed floor was cold beneath her now bare feet as she stripped to hop in the bath. Surely Fallacy wouldn't mind? Right? He was currently in his study, or from what Encre last knew.

Pleasure Of Kisses, Pain Of The BiteOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz