chptr 17: Baby names

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Encre sat at the table, pencil in hand  tapping gently on the table as she thought about baby names. She wasn't sure what she would name her little girl, she had read all through family books, from hers and Fallacies sides of the family, but found nothing, and was only halfway through 2 of several books on their family bloodlines.

She yawned softly as she flicked the page of Fallacies bloodline encyclopedia around his family, a brown book that was beaten and slightly torn, a ruby heart in the centre, with a gold bat behind it, tucking it's wings around the heart. Encre's eye was caught as she saw something that sparked her interest. It was a portrait of a young lady, Fallacies great great aunt Karmine Jinxia, the lady of bad luck.

She was gorgeous. A smokey grey skeleton with bright yellow eyes, a crown of thorns around her head, as yellow, red and orange roses bloomed, and she had a black cat around her neck, and a white bat behind her. In her bio, it read:
'Lady Karmine Jinixia Graet the third, was the daughter of Queen Tirahna and King Tomola, and the sister of Mialah the fourth. She ruled for over 200 years before being laid to rest after being assassinated late in the day of the black sun. Lady Karmine had fallen ill after consuming a sake given to her as a gift, which contained violets. The Graets have long since known to have had an allergy to violets, and grew ill when consumed the flower. While sleeping, she was struck in the heart by..' "the silver fang" Encre gasped.

The silver fang was a dagger that belonged to the Helsings, gifted from the Undynia family, Eterna's family. It got its name from how it was shaped, it was long, narrow and curved, much like a fang.

'Lady Karmine was known for her ability to change an individuals state of luck, turning even the straightest of shooters into a zig-zagged mess to miss every shot. To know that her presence was near, a mirror would crack and a black cat would yowl, and a lucky horse shoe would rust and become brittle, this is how she got her name'.

Encre thought on the name, then smiled, writing it down on the piece of paper, before standing from her seat and walks away, taking some of the books with her to put them away, she would come back for the rest after she put the first few away.

Within a span of 5 minutes, Fallacy wandered into the dining room, and saw the piece of paper on the table, curious, he picked it up, and saw the one thing written on the blank page. 'Jinx'. He smiled softly, seeing the portrait in the book Encre was just reading, of his aunt. "Jinx huh? I'm sure it'll fit" he purred, smiling as he put the page away in his pocket, and started to help pack the books away, closing the encyclopedia first, and stacking the rest of the books on top of one another, before walking to the library.

Encre had set the books onto a table and started to sort them, putting them each back into their own places on the shelves, making sure she didn't misplace any of them, or mix them up. The door groaned in protest as it creaked open slowly, before Fallacy walked into the library, books in hand, and set them down next to the pile on the table. "So, thought of a baby name?" He asked sweetly as he wrapped his arms around Encre sweetly, kissing her softly on the neck. Encre nodded, a hum of approval as she rested a hand over his, "I take it you saw the paper?".

"Yes...and I think Jinx sounds perfect" he cooed into her ear, kissing her on the cheek, before continuing to help her return all the books to their rightful places on the shelves.

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