chptr 12: a surprise visit

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It had been a week since Encre and Fallacy went for their honeymoon, and now just returning home. They were happy and expecting, and were excited to share the news of a new coming baby!

However, even when they got home, their cheery mood was not able to prepare them for the shock of a surprise visit, from none other....than the vampire counsil themselves....

Imagine the shock and dread on the councils faces, as Fallacy, the king, walked in, goofing around and holding a woman they had never once seen before, only ever remembering him to have been with Calimimi.
Their shock was both outmatched and unmatched as it became clear of the situation, and Fallacy straightened up, setting Encre onto her feet as he cleared his throat.

"Lord Hollocaust, lord Apollo and.... lord Umbra....." Fallacy bowed in respect as he greeted his fellow lords, though not so pleased by their unexpected presence today. "What brought you all here so unexpectedly, normally I recieve a letter before a visit...".

The 3 lords mentioned, consisted of the people you all know as Dream, who was Apollo, lord of the sun and golden apple, the kindest of the lords and a charming young man he was, bringing hope to kingdoms and a healthy crop. Being in his presence was a mere sense of blissful fortune that was of happiness and joy. A crown of gold rest upon his head and a ruby chain with an incrested golden apple pendant upon his chest, with a dove white cloak and suit. He bowed his head in respect to Fallacy. "My king", his voice was sweet as the two shook hands in greeting, being old friends.

Next was lord Hollocaust, Fallacies brother. This was Geno, a man with practically half a skull, bandages covering his bad eye, but his good eye complimented by a red and blue iris. That classic red scarf, and a black undershirt, the vest being white, and his trench coat white with drops of blood highlighted on the bare colourless fabric. He hugged Fallacy, greeting his brother "my dear baby brother" he chuckled as he earned a well placed punch to the shoulder.

And now.....

Lord Umbra...also known as Nightmare in other worlds......a crown of a black night sky on his head, a cloak of midnight purple and black that sparkled like stars in the dark night sky, his vest black but a beautiful violet to indigo undershirt, a blood red scarf tucked into his shirt similar to Fallacies...he spread a feeling of fear and anxiety...hate radiated from him as he glared at Fallacy but bowed and shook hands "old friend" he growled and Fallacy returned this silent hostility with a firm, strong grip to Umbra's hand.

"And who is...this?" Umbra asked as he looked at Encre, that cold hard stare returned to the lady as she gave him just as mean a glare, a warning to back off. These two had clashing energies. And I don't mean like Umbra and Apollo clashing, I mean, actual clashing. Encre's newly found headstrong ego, and Umbra's sly cockiness with that 'holier than thou' behaviour created such a tense environment....

"I am lady Encre, queen of this land, and wife of lord Fallacy" she hissed in return to Umbra's snarky tone. Umbra was surprised by this return of snarkiness, noone ever returned that attitude to him. "Well aren't you an impolite snake..." "maybe, but at least I'm not arriving unannounced, or hissing lies and hurtful words about people I don't like....." Encre hissed. Umbra growls, but then grins. "At least you realise when you're unliked" "its sad you don't realise when you're not wanted...".

Everyone. Went. Silent.

"You know what else is sad? The fact that you don't know how to shut up or be polite to a stranger, let alone a superior stranger" Encre hissed, her words just leaked with an acidic venom that seemed to burn Umbra into charcoal chicken, as he suddenly felt like a small lump on the ground, embarrassed and angry.

"Encre..." Fallacy planted a gentle, but firm hand on her shoulder, an indicator to stop and back off. "She has a point Umbra....she is your are not to address her in such a horrid way...." Apollo quickly stepped in as well to help diffuse the situation, and Umbra just kept in his defensive posture as he took a step back and huffed. Encre hissed at him, before heading up the stairs to Fallacies and hers bedroom to unpack. Fallacy turned to face Umbra once again, growling "what the actual fuck was that for?!" He snarled menacingly at Umbra. "How dare you address my wife in such a way!" "Well how was I supposed to know she wasn't just another whore you'd picked up off the streets? At least Cali was presentable..." everyone gasped and stepped away, Umbra had just bitten off more than he could chew.

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