Chapter 8.

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It really sucks. My parents literally grounded me until the end of summer. That was something I honestly didn't see coming. Being grounded for me meant no leaving the house, and no video games. The no going out rule didn't include work, so that was my only ticket out. Also, I didn't really care about the video games. I had more fun sketching anyways. Now that I think about it, I don't think I've even started using Avery's present. I smiled at the thought of Avery. I texted her that same night about me being grounded, and everything that pretty much happened. She basically just laughed at me, and called me a dumb ass for even sneaking out in the first place.

Every time I text Avery, I always feel like I try to keep the conversation going. It's always so nice to talk to her, I feel like I can just tell her everything. It's crazy, seriously. It's never like that with Savannah. With Savannah we text, but when the conversation dies down I usually just don't text her back. She'll do the same at times too, she'll just leave me on read. I care about Savannah, and since all my relationships usually played out the same, I never thought twice about it. Now with Avery, I see that things are different. They feel more romantic, more exciting. Is this how it's suppose to be in a relationship? I wan to say yes, it is. Another part of me just wants to deny it. What's the point of realizing this is how relationships are, when Avery won't want to be in one with me. I know we kissed, but somehow I feel like that won't change Avery's mind about anything. I wish it would though. I would leave Savannah, if that meant I could be with her.

Today was one of the days I had to go to Java Beans and work. I usually have the opening shifts for the summer, but my parents have also doubled up on some shifts. It really sucks, I really hate closing. Today was one of my double shifts, and I was already stressed out about it. I opened Java Beans with Selena, and she couldn't believe her ears when I told her what I did.

Selena and I are friends, I guess. She's more my boss than a friend, but we get along pretty well. She's really cool. She loves to make fun of me, and I enjoy to tease her. It's one of those relationships. 

"Why the hell would you even do that?" Selena asked.

I didn't tell her where I went after I ran from the cops. I just told her I pretty much spent my night out. I worried my parents to death pretty much, and now their punishing me. It's a smart punishment, what they're doing. They took away TV and video games, but they also doubled up my shifts. They'll know if I even try to skip out on work, and they'll know where I am at all times when they can't stay at home to babysit me.

"I was drunk, I didn't know what I was really doing. That's why I have a few double shifts this week, it sucks," I complained. Selena shook her head.

"Well, it's your fault for even sneaking out in the first place. Why didn't you just invite your friends over? You could of gotten drunk in the comfort of your own house," Selena said. I shrugged at her.

"I did't want to be drinking in front of Grace, plus that's no fun. Now, I have to story. Don't I?" I asked her. Selena laughed, but she nodded.

"Yeah, I guess that's true. Hey, it's already going to be one, you should take a lunch break now. If you take one now, you can take another one at around six," Selena said.

"Half hour?" I asked her. Selena nodded.

"Alright, let me just make some coffee," I said to her.

I made a Java Chip smoothie, and grabbed a coffee cake to go with that. Right now the place is pretty empty, it usually is at around this time. I took my things to an empty table, and took a seat. My feet were already hurting from just standing. Usually I don't have pain, but this time I could feel it. I think it's just my mind thinking of the pain I'll have at the very end of the day.

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