Chapter 12.

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It was Friday night, and Grace and I still hadn't thought about how to get rid of Hope. Well not get rid of her. Just so we could be able to look through our parents room. We can't let Hope know what we're doing, or why we're doing it either. We also wouldn't want to risk Hope ratting us out. I wasn't sure what we were going to do, but we were running out time. It was already Friday night, and we needed to come up with something by tomorrow morning. I've been cracking my head about this, trying to figure something out.

I was laying down on my bed, literally just starring up at the ceiling. All my thoughts were all over the place. All I could think about was what Grace and I could do tomorrow morning, about Hope. Another thought that kept coming in my mind was Avery. I've texted her a few times these past days, but sometimes she doesn't really answer my messages. I try not to make a big deal about it, but I really wonder why. Am I bothering her? Does she just not want to talk at the moment?

"Can I come in?" I heard a voice outside my door. I knew it was Grace, she was probably thinking the same thing I was. About Hope, not about Avery.

"Yeah, it's open," I said. I sat up on my bed, and Grace walked inside. She closed the door behind her, and took a seat on my bed.

"We need to talk," she said. I nodded at her words.

"Yeah, we do. What are we going to do about Hope tomorrow?" I asked her.

Grace looked at me, but I wasn't able to read her expression. She looked like she wanted to tell me something, but at the same time she was still debating it.

"I may have an idea, but I don't know how you're going to feel about it," Grace said. I looked at her confused, but curious on what this idea could be.

"What's your idea?" I asked her.

"Well, there's a back to school party today. Don't ask me how I know, I just know. Point is, we should go and take Hope with us," Grace explained. She wore a smile on her face, but I wasn't following.

"Okay, how is taking Hope to that party going to help us? Also, I don't want to take you or Hope to another party any time soon. Remember what happened the last time I took you to a party? I got grounded, I lost my whole summer. I don't want to lose my senior year," I said to her. Grace rolled her eyes.

"Look, we take her to the party and get her wasted. She'll sleep until like noon tomorrow, and that would give us plenty of time to raid Mom's room," Grace explained.

Grace had this smile on her face, like her idea was the best one there was. It really wasn't. How was getting our fourteen year old sister drunk, a good idea. I got in so much trouble getting Grace drunk, and she's already sixteen. 

"I'll pass that idea, there has to be a better idea than that out there," I said to her. "Look, we'll just wake up sooner than her, and do what we have to do."

"That won't work. Mom and Dad aren't leaving until like nine or ten, she'll be awake by then. If we get her passed out drunk, she won't wake up until like noon. Honestly, that's out best option," Grace said. I shook my head at her, and this time I couldn't help but just laugh.

"Grace, why do I have the feeling this isn't just about looking through Mom's room? Do you just want to see Hope drunk, or what?" I asked her amused.

Grace tilted her head to the side, as if deciding what she should say. She had this smile on her face, that told me I was right. I don't blame her for wanting to see Hope drunk, I did the same thing with her. The first party I took her to, I got her full on drunk. It was hilarious. That was a year ago though, and Grace was already a freshmen. Hope is still in eight grade, she can get her drunk next year. Even though I won't be in high school next year.

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