Chapter 9.

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School was only a week away, and I couldn't be more grateful. I'm tired of just being stuck at home, and Java Beans. Once school starts as well, my punishment should be over. Meaning no more double shifts, just afternoon shifts and morning shifts during weekends. I was so ready to be able to go out again. I haven't gone out with Jacob and Logan since the accident. I also haven't seen Savannah in a long time. Avery I've seen, she really does have a thing for Java Beans coffee. She doesn't go in everyday, but she goes in often. We talk, laugh, and it's honestly nice to have that.

I'm not sure how Savannah's going to act with me when school starts. I haven't seen her in a good while, and I don't really call her unless she calls me. I don't really face time her either, unless she does me. I know I'm not a great boyfriend, but maybe that's because I'm with the wrong girl. I mean, she knows I'm grounded and seriously can't even sneak out this time. That doesn't stop her from telling me to leave the house, to take her out because she's bored. I've told her multiple times if she wants to see me, to pass by Java Beans. We can spend my lunch together, but she always refuses to. It's not just me that's a bad boyfriend, but she can be a bad girlfriend too.

It's weird to think about, really. Because I think of how I treat Savannah, and compare it to how I treat Avery. It's nothing alike. It's obvious I treat Avery better, but that's because she has reasons to. I know she doesn't go into Java Beans to hang out with me, or see me, but she goes in. When she does, I'll usually try to take my lunch, so we can spend at least half an hour together. Also, I'm usually the one to text her first too. I'll just be at home, bored, and she's the first one that comes to mind. I smiled at just the though of her.

While I've been stuck at home, I've also started sketching something. I wasn't sure how Avery would react to it, but I couldn't help but just draw it. I'm not a bad artist, I'm actually pretty good. It's funny, because both my parents are terrible at drawing. Uncle Isiah and I are the artist in this family. Braxton tries, and he's better than my family. But if you need something to draw, and for it to look almost the same as something the family goes to me or Uncle Isiah. I was pretty proud of this drawing, and I was already done with it. I hope this isn't creepy, but I drew Avery from memory. I wasn't going to keep the drawing, I was going to give it to her. I think she would appreciate it more anyways.

I debated whether I should give her a heads up. I don't want her to think I was creepy anything. I don't even know why I decided to draw her, it's just something that came to mind. It was an idea that stayed in my head, and it wouldn't leave. I picked up my phone, still debating whether I should tell her or just surprise her. I wanted to see her reaction, and if I wait I also don't know when I would even be able to give it to her. Even though school is starting, that doesn't mean I'm going to see more of Avery. I might even see less, since she still doesn't want our friendship to be known.

I decided to tell her about. It won't be a surprise when she sees it, but at least she'll be surprised right now. I took a picture of the drawing, and sent it to her. The message I wrote read:

Does she look familiar?

I waited for her to send me a text back. I felt nervous. Why do I feel this way? Maybe I should of just waited to surprise her with it. What if she doesn't even like it? Maybe it was better for me to do it this way, that way I won't be able to tell if she does like it or not. I felt weird. I've never done this for another girl, but I just felt like I had to do it for her. I received a text back, and I felt nervous to know what she had said.

Did you really draw that?

I smiled at the simple text she wrote. She's shocked, hopefully she doesn't hate it.

Yes, I did. Do you like? I drew it with the new pencils, and sketch book I got for my birthday.

Was that too cheesy?

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