Chapter 11.

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It was finally the first day of school. I double checked my back pack to make sure I had everything. I had all the notebooks, and binders I had bought for the school year. Before I forget, I put Avery's drawing in my back pack. I still hadn't gotten the chance to give it to her, and I'll find a way to give it to her today. If anything, I'll just probably slip in her locker. She'll know it's form me, since I texted her a picture of it. I smiled at the though of Avery. We've texted, but we haven't really seen one another. Even though I probably won't talk to her during the school day.

I ready to go to school, I walked out of my room and down the stairs. Mom was making breakfast, for on the go at least. She had made some breakfast burritos, and it looks like she was serving us some orange juice for us to take. Well, the orange juice was for Hope. Grace and I loved our coffee in the morning. Even though we literally own a coffee shop, Hope doesn't seem to like it. Coffee is literally in our blood, both our parents grew up with Java Beans. I wonder why Hope is the only one who doesn't enjoy it.

"Ready for school?" Mom asked me.

After last night, we didn't speak again. After I had dropped Braxton off at his house, my Mom was already in her room, asleep. I didn't see my Dad, and I didn't see my sisters. I wasn't mad at my Mom anymore. I was upset, but I got over it. We always have disagreements, but we're family. No matter what happens between us, nothing can separate us. Even if Uncle Isiah is actually Hope's Dad, I feel like not even that will affect the way we see her. It'll probably affect us in some ways, but I'll still call her my sister.

"Yeah, ready. Thank you for the food, and the coffee," I said to her.

 I walked over to her, and planted a kiss on her cheek. I'm a mama's boy, I don't care what anyone has to say about that. I love my Mom so much, and I respect her for everything's she's done. Even if she did cheat on my Dad, I would still feel the same way about her. I would be disappointed but at the end of the day she's still my Mom. I only have one.

"Can you call Grace and Hope? You're all going to be late to your first day of school, if those girls don't hurry up," my Mom said.

I turned away from my Mom, and faced the opposite direction.

"GRACE! HOPE! HURRY UP OR I'M LEAVING WITHOUT YOU!" I shouted as loud as I could.

I turned back around to face my Mom. She was covering her ears, and she made this kind of annoyed face.

"Well, I could of done that," Mom said letting go out of her ears.

"Well, why didn't you?" I asked her.

I grabbed one of the burritos she wrapped in a napkin. I was all ready to go, I was just waiting on both my sisters. Grace takes forever because she has to do her hair, and her make up. Hope, she sometimes gets ready. Most of the time, she wakes up late and hurries to change. She always looks good either way, but I guess that's one of the things Hope and I do have in common.

"Don't sass me, Hayden," Mom warned. I just smiled at her.

"Okay, I'm ready," Hope said as she walked into the kitchen.

Hope was more of that e-girl type. Her blond hair was naturally straight, which is how she liked to wear it anyways. She wore black ripped skinny jeans. She wore these black boots, with a few chains hanging from them. She bought those boots yesterday at the mall. She wore a black plain tank top as well. Hope has been trying to convince our parents to let her dye her hair, but Dad won't let her. Mom is on bored with the idea, since she feels like she should experiment now that she's young. Dad on the other hand, needs more convincing.

"Where's your sister?" Mom asked Hope.

"She's right here, I'm ready," Grace said as she entered the kitchen.

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