Chapter 10.

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It was the Sunday before school. Today, my parents decided to lift off my punishment. They thought I had suffered enough with the double shifts, which I had. Also, the rest of my summer was also ruined because of that one night. I don't regret the night, just wish I would of gone home after spending time with Avery. Maybe if I had, I wouldn't of lost my summer to punishment. Either way, my parents still scheduled me to open with Selena. Sunday's are extremely busy at Java Beans, which is why Selena and I always get stuck with them. Usually they also schedule Grace, but she doesn't open. Grace usually come around at around until nine, and doesn't leave until three. I leave today at one, and Selena leaves twelve. There will be no one taking Selena's position, but someone was coming at one before I left.

Since I was punished mostly all of summer, I didn't even get the chance to go back to school shopping. Maybe that's why my parents wanted to lift the punishment sooner, so I could go get my things together. Grace also hadn't been able to get her back to school shopping done, so I was also taking her with me. I did't mind, but I just won't be looking forward to waiting for her outside of the stores. We decided we would go to the mall, but I was slowly regretting that choice. I already know she's going to take forever in the stores.

I was thinking about inviting Savannah to come with us, but decided against it. I just wanted to spend time with Grace. Maybe we should even take Hope with us, make it a sibling day. I already know they would take forever in the stores, especially since they would be together. It does sound nice though, all of us spending time together.

"Hey, what if we invite Hope to come with us? I think Mom and Dad already bought her what she needs, but it would be nice spending the day together. Don't you think?" I asked Grace.

By now Selena had already left. Grace and I were the only ones in the shop, other than the customers. I know Grace probably thinks my idea is weird, since I never suggest something like that.

"Really? I mean I guess that would be fine. Unless, you're just doing this to prove your theory. I don't want to hear it if it is," Grace said to me. I rolled my eyes.

"I'm not trying to prove any theory right now. It as just a suggestion, since we hardly ever hang out. It would be fun, wouldn't it?" I asked her.

"Yeah. Invite Braxton too, he's like a brother to us anyways," Grace requested.

"Yeah, a brother to you and me. Not to Hope," Grace said laughing.

I thought about her comment for a minute. If my theory was right, that would mean Hope and Braxton are half siblings.

"You know something. If my theory is right, that means Braxton and Hope are half siblings," I pointed out. Grace made a face, and it was probably the face I wore on my face too.

"Gross, Hayden. Look, if your theory is right good for you. Let's just keep this to ourselves, while you figure out a way to convince me about this so called theory. I still don't buy it," she said to me. I rolled my eyes. I really wish she would believe me, I know I'm right about this.

"Okay, I'll stop with my theory. When I leave I'll go pick up Hope and Braxton, and we'll come back to wait for you to be out," I said to her. Grace nodded in agreement.


After picking up Hope, we went to pick Braxton. It was weird seeing Braxton after so long, I think this is the longest we haven't seen each other. Usually we were over at his house with our family, or it was the other way around. It's weird that his family hasn't been around as much either. Maybe it had to do with what I over heard. The last time I saw my Uncle and Aunt was the day after the crash. They only went over because my parents thought something terrible must of happened to me.

HaydenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora