Chapter 16.

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"Really Hayden? I leave you alone for like a second, and you're kissing someone else?" Savannah questioned me.

I know I had no right to get mad in this situation. I was the one at fault here. I couldn't help but feel guilty for Avery, I feel like I just ruined everything for her. I know how Savannah is. By next week, everyone will hear about happened here. I don't care if Savannah tells everyone I was kissing Avery, I really don't care who knows. I want everyone to know who my heart actually belongs to. I want everyone to know that I didn't have any feelings fro Savannah Pathon, but for Avery Madison. The only reason I'm worried is because of Avery. She didn't even want people knowing we were friends. People are going to know way more than that, and I worried for how she would react to that. I hope she doesn't cut me off. I should go after her. I need to go after her.

"Savannah, you completely ditched me inside," I said to her.

I walked closer to Savannah, and her grey eyes were glossy. I did that to her. Even though I don't have romantic feelings for her, I still have feelings in general. I feel guilty, this is all my fault. I ruined Avery, and I broke Savannah's heart. The anger I felt left, and it got replaced with what felt like sarrow.

"That doesn't give you an excuse to-" Savannah stopped talking. It seemed like she was trying to find words to say. "You can't just go around kissing whoever you want. Was that the same girl you kissed, when was it? When we were putting up the posters? She's in our class right. What's her name?"

"Yes, it's the same girl. I will not tell you her name, if you really want to know you can figure it our on your own. I feel bad enough for what I pretty much did to her, I don't need you ruining her either. Look, I'm sorry I did this to you. If you're going to take any anger, or anything out on someone do it on me," I said to her.

Savannah seemed to be ignoring what I was saying. She looked like she was deep in thought. Her eyes were no longer glossy, no tears ever fell out from them. She no longer looked hurt, or sad. Savannah was just thinking, she wasn't even looking at me either. She was looking down at the ground. Realization seemed to hit her, and she quickly looked up at me. She wore this wicked smile, and I didn't like seeing that. I hate that smile on her. Savannah's a bitch, and everyone knows that. It seems like she has an idea growing in her mind.

"Avery Madison, am I right?" Savannah asked still smiling.

"It doesn't matter what her name is," I said to her again. Savannah's smile grew.

"I'm right. Look, I don't want to be that pathetic girl you cheated on, so this is going to stay between the three of us. Don't kiss her, or anyone again. Cheat on me one more time, and I swear you'll regret it more than you do now. This is your second chance, got it?" Savannah asked.

That's the girl I knew, a total bitch. I smirked at her. Honestly, she didn't scare me. She could do whatever she wanted, she could spread any rumor she wanted. No one would believe what Savannah has to say about me, especially if we break up. Everyone knows how crazy Savannah is, and if we broke up I feel like everyone would take my side instead of hers. The only reason she worries me, is because of Avery. The school will literally traumatize her, if Savannah tries to even spread a rumor about her. Just for the fun of it, they'll probably end up believing anything they hear about Avery. That's the only reason I wanted to keep her on her good side. At least, as much as I could. I don't want her to ruin Avery.

"Fine, that's fine. I do think I should leave though. I told my parents I would pick up Hope from a friends house," I lied to her. I didn't have to pick up Hope, I just wanted to chase after Avery.

"No, tell them to find another ride. Tonight, is our night. They're going to announce homecoming queen and king, and I just know you and I will win," Savannah said.

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